I thought Diet sodas were better for you

ladydove5 Posts: 23 Member
Someone please tell me my diet sodas are not bad for me! :sad: My husband says I drink too many but I just never cared for water. :ohwell: Any advice?


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    here it comes.......
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Same here. I hate water, but when I add the Crystal Light packets (or Great Value brand because I'm cheap), I don't even feel like I'm drinking water and it's very low calorie (10 per packet which makes a 16.9 ounce bottle). The Peach Mango Green Tea is my absolute favorite!

    However, I haven't given up my diet soda... and probably never will. :drinker:
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    If you cant quit my suggestion is to switch to the all naturals or throw backs so you are getting natural sugar at least. All I am saying. The diet soda subject gets VERY hairy on here so not gonna say one way or another. "BAD" ooops was that out loud. .. sorry.
  • Daddy_Jacob
    Daddy_Jacob Posts: 34
    i know i was just told the same thing about my diet sodas also they said might as well drink regular sodas because there better for you
  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    Pop is bad for you. Period. Diet just adds to the effects.
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    Do you want us to tell you the truth or that diet sodas are not bad for you??
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well. Here's the thing -- diet pops are full of artificial sweeteners, but most regular pop contains high fructose corn syrup and tons of sugar.

    In a perfect world, giving up pop would be ideal. But, this isn't a perfect world. So, you have to decide if you want to continue drinking it or not. Personally, I didn't want the sugar or high fructose corn syrup with regular pop (plus, I could surely use those 170 calories on something else!) and I hate the taste of diet pop (and aspartame gives me a headache).
  • MissWendyBird
    MissWendyBird Posts: 15 Member
    One day they're good for you, the next they're bad. Who knows what to believe anymore. I just saw today that too little salt may increase heart disease.
    So if you want to drink it, go ahead. I do and I'm not going to let some scientist whose getting paid to say something one day, then say the complete opposite the next.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Some people get confused between things being low in calories and things being good for you. Diet soda is bad for you, but not bad for your calorie intake or sugar intake.

    Some foods are "natural" like maybe agave syrup, but they are loaded with calories.

    The struggle is to find something in between. I sometimes make diet beverages from stevia and something like a bit of lime or lemon juice, ginger, etc. Make cooled down tea and add stevia to sweeten, then you don't have as many chemicals or calories. It's not convenient but losing weight isn't convenient.

    I sometimes buy Propel Zero when I'm out and about. I'm sure there's something bad in it but I don't drink them all that often.

    Moderation is ok. . . maybe just have LESS diet soda every day and drink sparkling water until you get over it. I was like you, I used to have diet Cokes scattered all over my cubicle at work. . . and I wondered why I had sensitive teeth .. ever seen on tv how they can clean a toilet with diet soda? Can't be good for us!

    I would like diet soda sweetened with stevia. . if anyone knows of a bran please post it!
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Nasty stuff. :sick:
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    My thought is this ...Anything is bad for you if you don't eat or drink it in reasonable portion sizes. I drink Zero Coke but only about one a week if that. I don't feel that I am doing my body wrong in that amount. Just my opinion!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    One day they're good for you, the next they're bad. Who knows what to believe anymore. I just saw today that too little salt may increase heart disease.
    So if you want to drink it, go ahead. I do and I'm not going to let some scientist whose getting paid to say something one day, then say the complete opposite the next.

    I saw the same thing about lower salt intake and heart disease. No wonder people are so confused about what is good and bad for us. Sheesh.
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    i have been using diet soda. i used to drink regular soda but i also drink water along with it. i havent heard diet was bad for you.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Someone please tell me my diet sodas are not bad for me! :sad: My husband says I drink too many but I just never cared for water. :ohwell: Any advice?

    It's pretty much completely and totally chemicals so I can't imagine anyone being like, "Yes! They are great for you!"

    My advice is try to break the habit. Maybe make them a treat instead of a staple.

    I know everyone reacts differently to them, but my husband can drop weight like crazy when he drinks water instead of diet drinks. I have horrible sugar and carb cravings when I drink them. That's just us though.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    soda sweetened with stevia- nothing artificial and it tastes amazing!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member


    If you eat a big mac and then justify it with a diet coke, then Ya, you're gonna suffer the consequences of those calories. Calorie free liquids CANNOT cause weight gain.

    I have lost all 60 lbs drinking loads of coke zero. My skin is clear and radiant, my health is excellent, according to my doctor.

  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    One day they're good for you, the next they're bad. Who knows what to believe anymore. I just saw today that too little salt may increase heart disease.
    So if you want to drink it, go ahead. I do and I'm not going to let some scientist whose getting paid to say something one day, then say the complete opposite the next.
    Why would a soda company pay a scientist to say that soda is not good for you??
    Or who would pay a scientist to say that soda pop is not good for you??
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    No soda is good for you

    However, if you read the articles talking about how diet soda "makes you fat," it all has to do with making you crave more sweets or affect the way your body interprets fullness. If you're on this site, it is likely that you count calories, which means if you are going to eat 1200 calories a day whether or not you drink a diet tea, diet soda, regular soda, or water.
    If you have problems with sugar cravings like the articles say are worsened by diet sodas, then you should stay away from them. I know they are not as good for you as water, but in moderation they will not make you fat, and if used properly (meaning you know that drinking a diet soda doesn't allow you to substitute those missing calories with other food) they should not affect your weight gain. Now if I see an article that has a DIRECT link to diet sodas and weight gain, I'll change my opinion. Currently, all the weight gain links I've seen are indirect as the subjects are not eating the same controlled diet.