C25K Week 5 Day Three. Completed after 9 months.

elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
I started C25K in July of 2010. I didn't finish the program in time for my first 5K. But I competed anyway and was happy with my results. I wanted to finish a 40 minute run/walk and I did so in 38. I got sidetracked over the holidays and started from the beginning in January. On April 1 I was not yet finished, but switched to the Ease In To 10K program to train for a 10K. My goal was and 83 minute run/walk and I finished in 79.

Today I went back to C25K where I left off in March - Week 5 Day 3. Run for 20 minutes without stopping. I did the whole thing on the treadmill at 5.1 mph. And I realized that I could physically do it, I probably could have for a long time, but what was holding me back was totally mental and emotional. Previously when I couldn't finish a running interval - especially running outside, I would say "I can't. I can't." and abruptly stop and start walking. I heard myself say this during my race on Sunday without even thinking, and I realized that was not a good thing to be saying during a race.

Recently I have been watching The Biggest Loser on Hulu. I never saw the show before and was curious. One of the contestants this season, Arthur, who had the most weight to lose was training for a 5K challenge. He kept saying "I can't stop. I can't stop." and a lightbulb went off in my head. When I got the urge to stop, I thought - Am I injured? About to vomit? No? Then I CAN keep going. Can't Stop, Won't Stop, No excuses. And after a few short minutes of discomfort, I got my second wind - which usually only comes to me after 10 - 15 minutes of walking.

I can do it, and so can YOU!


  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    This is so true and exactly the kind of mindset you need for further distances.. Every single time I push through the pain I'm ok a few minutes later.. Its amazing and I always feel fantastic afterwards! Keep at it!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    thanks for this :D
    I'm doing c25k currently and finished w2d2 today. I'm really looking forward to being able to run for 5 minutes at a time, 10 minutes at a time, 20 minutes at a time etc. I REALLY hope this gets me there. I'll keep pushing forward too :)