candaceber Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Today was an ok day. I met with my OB and she was amazing. She spent more time with me then any doctor has ever spent with me. She was more then a doctor she was a friend. her first friend job was to introduce me to this site. I tend to come home and sit for 3 more hours on my computer playing silly games on Facebook. now I can sit here, and update this. I am having so many troubles in my life right now. I know I could say what, but it would just be another sob story from the storm ridden south. Fact is, I need to change my life and I have to start by liking me again. Hopefull MFP will be a new beginning.


  • Welcome. You can add me if you like.
  • kassie87
    kassie87 Posts: 11
    My prayers go out to you all in the south! Hope this site helps you. Welcome, and good luck.
  • candaceber
    candaceber Posts: 2
    Thanks. How to I add people, or accept a friend request? :(
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