LittleMissJamie Posts: 7 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Yesterday I called a friend to talk me out of eating a cupcake.

smh but IT WORKED! I didn't and still don't want the cupcake! So I'm thinking that if having one person that I can look to to help remind me to make smart choices is good, having several friends is even better. I love the idea of being cheerleaders for each other. So feel free to add me if you're thinking the same. Please include a note though, I'd like to know a bit about my team!



  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Future doctor? Heck yeah I wanna be friends! And put down the cupcake! --- unless you have the extra calories for it, lol :)
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    Hello and welcome.
    I seen you post.
    This is an awesome site for motivation and support.
    I am a married mother of 2 looking get healthy for me and my family.
    I want to be able to see my kids grow up and have families of their own.
    We can ecourage each other!
    Sending a friend request!
  • I love the idea of holding each other accountable! I just started this a few days ago as well, i really like it so far! I'm also trying to not eat anything white: pasta,pizza,bread,rice,cake...all those carbs. I'll just eat whole wheat if I need bread or pasta. I'll see how it goes :) Great job saying no to a tasty temping cupcake btw.
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