New to MFP

Hey everyone! I am new to myfitness pal and joined after reading some posts I found after doing a google search. I saw that a handful of you are also struggling with my same problem; overeating. I uncontrollably have been over eating for about 8 months to a year now and it has gotten worse and worse as each day passes.
Just wanted some advice from anyone/everyone who also has a habit of overeating and can maybe help me out with figuring out how to control myself without going to see anyone right away.
I know I have a problem and each and every day I tell myself "Today is a new day and I am going to be successful today by eating normally and not binging" but, it ends up that I am going to bed every night feeling like an absolute failure because, of course, I binged and feel totally horrible about it.
Any kinds words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
I am excited for this new adventure of joining my fitness pal and hope that I can get my eating under control with the help of fellow MFP peers!!
Thanks :)