Well I just suck...



  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    How much under 1200 calories was she eating exactly?

    I get really offended if I'm attempting to lose weight for MYSELF and my sister comes along and criticizes me, especially if it was within the first 24 hours. Even if my boyfriend says something like "should you be eating that?" it upsets me.
    Some people need to do this on their own.
    A bit of support from your sisters is one thing, but interference is another.

    Apologise to your sister for interfering and support her, maybe mention a few topics on here about the importance of eating the calorie intake but you can't push her to do anything. She needs to do this for herself and the same for you!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I turned my sister on to the website. Then I turned her off because I commented about her blatant crash dieting. Now she has deactivated her account and is not speaking to me. Talk about a knee jerk reaction. She only used the site for a day. I kind of knew she was staying under 1200 calories but I wasn't expecting it to be such a sensitive issue. I just want her to be healthy and diet safely. She doesn't have that much to lose (around 25 pounds unlike me who is trying to lose 100+).

    Does anyone have any advice? Am I just a total jerk for being concerned?

    let her be pissed. if she doesn't want to learn the right way to make progress, she won't make progress.
    I've gotten in arguements with friends who are going about dieting and nutrition in the wrong way. If they don't want to listen theres nothing you can really do.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    How much under 1200 calories was she eating exactly?

    I get really offended if I'm attempting to lose weight for MYSELF and my sister comes along and criticizes me, especially if it was within the first 24 hours. Even if my boyfriend says something like "should you be eating that?" it upsets me.
    Some people need to do this on their own.
    A bit of support from your sisters is one thing, but interference is another.

    Apologise to your sister for interfering and support her, maybe mention a few topics on here about the importance of eating the calorie intake but you can't push her to do anything. She needs to do this for herself and the same for you!
    She has been dieting since before she used the site. She has stated on a couple of occasions that she was trying to stay under 1200 calories. We discussed the health risks and the fact that she has not consulted with a doctor, and she agreed that she would stay at or above 1200 calories. Her excuse was that she wasn't hungry anymore after dinner, but it doesn't take much to get to 1200. She was slightly above 1000 calories. She has a very active job that has her on her feet running all day and lifting heavy packages. I'm kind of scared that she is going to seriously injure herself. She is much younger than me, and I know that she is an adult and should be able to make her own choices, but she only has to drop one dress size and she has over six months until the wedding. She doesn't have to crash and burn for a wedding dress that she could have altered if necessary. What she is doing is senseless and dangerous!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    One more point. If you are truly concerned that your sister has an eating disorder and is heading down a dangerous path, you can't just let it drop. She is probably just dieting the way she wants and will find a balance eventually. But if you think it's more serious than that, get some help. Enlist others. You may damage your relationship but serious eating disorders are life threatening.

    I don't necessarily think that she has an eating disorder though she thinks that is what I am accusing her of. I am scared that her calorie counts are too low to support her job activity. She could get sick. That is my only real concern, but your right. If she chooses to do this to herself and she isn't going to listen, then I just have to step away and let God deal with her.