Advice on between round P90X workouts

reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
I finish my first P90X round on May 22nd and plan to start a new round of P90X Classic on June 6th. I would love some feedback on veteran P90Xers on what they did between rounds to stay fit. Below is my rough plan...if it is solid, then I will stay the course. If it could use some tweaking, I am open to suggestions as I am in unchartered territory...

1. I plan on doing 45-60 elliptical sessions for cardio with varying pace and resistance up to resistance 6-8 (10 is max resistance)
2. I plan on tweaking my calorie intake to satisfy a 0.5 pound per week loss (currently set at 2 lb/week)
3. I plan to mix in some Core Synergistics, Yoga-X, Ab Ripper-X, and maybe a few cardio routines (Kenpo-X and/or Cardio-X) into those two weeks "off".
4. I plan on maintaining 5-6 days a week of working out while throwing in a possible X-Stretch day in there on elliptical days.

Before I start round two, I plan to reevaluate my weight loss goals based on my starting body fat % and maybe up it to 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. Unless I start bonking, I plan to keep my macronutrient ratios at around 50% Protein, 35% Carb, and 15% fat.

I have 6-7 MFP friends who are tentatively starting with me on June 6th and don't want to weasel out on them and start early, but this boy needs some structure to my workouts and P90X satisfies the need for that structure. I just don't want to flounder during the "down time".

Thanks in advance...


  • Armymom44
    Armymom44 Posts: 76
    I did do P90x I did Insanity first liked it more I like the cardio at the time I wanted to loose weight lost 17 lbs with Insanity I am doing Turbo Fire I am really thinking of dong P90x now I want to tone up . The new Insanity Asylum is on my list to enjoy my cuz son lost 30 lbs never worked out did not like to played video games and now he is fit so worth al the work press play BRING IT
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Bob :glasses:

    Hi :wink:

    Your plan sounds good for those 2 weeks off...Do what you feel you need to do - exercise is just a part of it. You already know that your eatin' is the huge factor in all of this. Your results so far with P90X LEAN has been OUTSTANDIN'...But, I understand where you are comin' from...You don't want to get 'soft' and feel like you 'gained' weight of not doin' a program...

    Take your 2 weeks - perfect on your form etc. Have play dates with Tony & maybe practice gettin' to max reps..Keep doin' Ab Ripper X - it's goin' to feel like a breeze once Classic is done...!

    I am very proud of you & of our TEAM 'BRING IT!'...

    See you on June 6th :)

    :heart: X-Sista
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Maybe you could do recovery week while waiting for the new round to start. Tht way your workout will be stuctured.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Your plan sounds good! Personally, I get bored doing a whole hour on the elliptical. I love the idea of increasing your calories, and keeping it mostly cardio.

    I'm no expert on the macro ratios, but since you're not doing a lot of weight training and mostly cardio, would it make sense to up your carbs for energy, and decrease your protein a little? Maybe 40/40/20? If you like doing high-protein, I don't see a problem with that either.

    You could also consider "previewing" some of the discs you didn't do in the Lean program, just to get an idea of your starting point.

    I feel like I've fallen off so badly on this round, so I can't wait to get started 6/6!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I might just do multiple recovery weeks (it would be 3 weeks in a row of that, though) with Ab Ripper-X thrown in. I plan on staying the course on macronutrients unless I bonk. If I bonk, I will up the carbs. I have done every disc in the P90X catalogue with the exception of Plyo...need to get new shoes and a thicker mat before I do that baby. Still kicking stuff around, but I appreciate the feedback..