Panic! (smoking topic)



  • akwagner25
    akwagner25 Posts: 62
    I quit September 21, 2009. I smoked my last cigarette that Sunday night while watching Biggest Loser and just decided I was done. To help deal with those panicky feelings or cravings, I wouldn't let myself internally dwell on them. Instead I would tell someone "I want a cigarette" or sometimes I would go as far to say "Can I bum a cigarette". Then I would feel better and the panicky feeling would be gone and I would just say "No, I really don't want one", I just needed to quit dwelling on the fact that I felt like I wanted or needed one and say what I was feeling out loud to make it go away. I know it sounds incredibly silly, but if I dwelled on it, it made it worse for me. I never went back, not even one drag.

    Good luck to you, it is definitely not an easy thing.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Bumping this thread, but I am about 2.5 days cigarette free (this time) and I can tell you that it may all be subconscious, but this morning I could already feel a difference on the treadmill. The good definitely outweighs the bad. My problem is my hour plus commute to and from work each day is when I normally smoke the most and that drive kills me. Sugar free gum and carrot sticks seem to help there somewhat.

    I get the obsessing though, just reading this thread made me want a smoke.
  • SewRue
    SewRue Posts: 74 Member
    First of all, for everyone that has quit, you are awesome keep it up! I was unable to quit cold turkey. I used 'the patch' which was a success. I started MFP a month before I quite which was very helpful. My advice is don't smoke the last cigarette but also you might want to consider using 'the patch'. It helps take the edge off and it may help with your anxiety. Good luck!
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