1380 calories/day??

I've decided that 1,380 calories is too few a day for me to start out with...i'm at 185 and want to eventually get down to 145. So I entered that as my goal weight and got 1,380 calories/day. I went to adjust my goal weight to 165 today and it still said I could only have 1,380 calories per day..anyone think this isn't right??


  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    The tareget is based on your required loss per week rather than your final goal. If you want to change the calorie goal, you need to change that . HTH
  • chicorac
    chicorac Posts: 34
    It's not about what your goal weight is but how much you told the system you want to lose a week. You can always change your settings to lose less weight per week but only eating 1,380 calories a day is a lot easier than you think.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    How much are you aiming to lose a week?

    I am 1/2lb a week at 147lbs and 5'8 and my number is 1560. That number is pretty spot on for the weightloss I have been getting.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    The calories is sets you at is not based on your goal weight. It is based on your current weight and your lbs per week weight loss goal. If you want more calories you need to lower it from 2lb to 1 lbs or from 1lb to 1/2 lb.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Set it to 1/2 lb a week. I had similar weight goals. It'll give you more cals if you want to lose the weight slower.
  • megs21912
    megs21912 Posts: 4
    That's a good idea; I didn't think of that. Right now I have it set to where I want to lose a pound and a half a week - which may be a little much, considering I just started. Anyways, I ate 1,380 calories yesterday and I was starving all day...so today I'll try changing what I'm eating a little - try eating more filling foods, more fiber foods etc. Cool

    Thanks! :)