SUPER embarassing- moms who work out only pls :)



  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    ive been told by my doc its not pee its cooch juices (sorry if thats kinda blunt) and keigls will help but wont solve it. Its kinda just one of those things that happens when you have kids. You tatas dangle and you cooch leaks. Mine isn't that bad but id say if yours is that bad just wear a pad when you exercise. and keigles. Keigles have made mine less dramatic.

    Coock juice and dangling tata's OMG you are SOO FUNNY!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    ive been told by my doc its not pee its cooch juices (sorry if thats kinda blunt) and keigls will help but wont solve it. Its kinda just one of those things that happens when you have kids. You tatas dangle and you cooch leaks. Mine isn't that bad but id say if yours is that bad just wear a pad when you exercise. and keigles. Keigles have made mine less dramatic.

    Cooch juice and dangling tata's OMG you are SOO FUNNY!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • mallobeeee
    mallobeeee Posts: 16
    i'm not a mom so i'm not supposed to read this but i'm a woman so i am :) I've never had kids, like i said, and that always happens to me too. And what's a kegel?
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I feel your pain because I'm the same way. I have 3 children and I've had this problem since my first. I just make sure I use the bathroom immediately before I start working out and always wear a pantyliner.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Yep, sounds like stress incontinence. The kind of exercising you're doing is just a bit more than your muscles down there can handle right now. I've had it off and on since having kids (and it's worse now that I'm preg again ... ugh, at first I thought fluids were leaking!)

    Kegle exercises are the best option (and loosing weight will help too).

    Some of it is almost certainly sweat, though, too. Make sure your undies and workout pants are breathable to help reduce that.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Btw I also limit fluids before Zumba. I've told my Zumba friends if I ever pass out in there I'm likely dehydrated!
  • runjill
    runjill Posts: 14 Member
    I have also had this happen. Not all the time but sometimes when I sneezed or exercised. I tried kegals with no results. I did however have to have a hystorectomy last April and when doing it the doctor preformed a bladder sling. The whole thing was done vaginally with no incisions at all. They said I should take it easy afterward. I went for a short walk the day I came home from the hospital and was doing everything by 4 weeks. Probably would have sooner but they said I shouldn't be lifting alot. I would highly recommend haveing that done if it is a problem.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    One word: Kegels. :wink:

    It happens to the best of us. I am nodding to so many of the posts in here. Exercise is only one of the things that can trigger this 'loveliness'. :embarassed:

    You are not alone and even with kegels it happens. I didn't have the best luck with liners honestly. best of wishes to you. :drinker:
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I had no idea that pressing the vaginal wall would potentially limit this... my neighbor has this and she said she would have to wear a tampon when she went for a run (super fit mom of two who makes me jealous daily) and I didn't get it.. what, like wear a tampon in your undies? YUCK! LOL, but we got to talking about all of it because I have it too, if I'm kageling during exercise I can't concentrate on the exercise, and kageling during exercise rarely helps me anyway... I will have to try the tampon thing, because I'm not up for surgery atm.. My incredibly hot 40 something neighbor did have it this winter though and she said it worked, 100% improvement... (even more jealous)
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Imagine being the only woman in karate class and not being able to do jumping jacks, burpees or jogging around the dojo during cardio circuit because of this? SO Stressfull! I'm right there with everyone!
  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    So glad I've found this thread. After just doing my first 30 day shred workout I too have experienced this when jumping - was kind of upset until I read this! Thank you ladies! :smile:
  • carilyn39
    carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
    mom of 4...oldest 18 and yes i pea a little when i sneez. and i have to do the hold your legs closed tight if i am standing a laughing or yes..... i pea a little more. When exercising if I do jumping jacks or jump rope WITH A ROPE i do it. if i don't have a rope i don't do it so much. don't quite understand that but hey. i feel like i have entered a support group....

    "Hi my name is Cari and i pea at inapproprate time".
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Please go to see a urogynecologist. The problem *is* treatable and in many/most cases, curable. I am 54 years old and dealt with exercise induced incontinence for years before finally asking my gynecologist about taking meds for it since I was sick of wearing pads. He referred me to a urogynecologist who did testing and determined that I was a good candidate for a TVT procedure which can now be done in an office setting. I haven't had to cross my legs when sneezing ever since. I can now do an aerobics class or step class without having to leave midway to empty my bladder. I wish I had done it YEARS ago. I had the procedure done about 7-8 years ago and am so happy I did.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It does get better! A year ago I couldn't bounce my children on the trampoline. Yesterday I spent about an hour on it with no issue!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I have found wearing a tampon really really helps with the leaking. My guess is that it presses on the urethra somehow and acts as a stopper. I only have the problem during races and not my regular training runs. I guess running faster makes me leak. LOL!

    this can be very dangerous if you are not on your TOM and wearing tampons.........please be careful!!!!
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    I have found wearing a tampon really really helps with the leaking. My guess is that it presses on the urethra somehow and acts as a stopper. I only have the problem during races and not my regular training runs. I guess running faster makes me leak. LOL!

    this can be very dangerous if you are not on your TOM and wearing tampons.........please be careful!!!!

    Why? Doctors recommend it too. I'm assuming you are saying this because of the whole "dryness" factor and the chance of tearing while removing a dry trampon?? One can always use a little KY to lube up the tampon before inserting. It's not in there that long, just for the run.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Just stumbled upon this thread and thought I would share something with you all... I had this problem after having my 2nd child 9 years ago, and 2 years ago I finally got tired of the embarrasing "look like I pee'd my pants" syndrom and the uncomfortableness it caused and went to my OB/GYN who did all the necessary testing to see if it was urine or anything else and it was he did a lot of research and even had a conference with other Physicians and there is a new procedure they can do... the only thing is, you have to be sure you are done having kids because it can cause you to not carry full term. He cauterized the lining of my cervical canal (we have sweat glands there just like in our arm pits etc) and those can over produce and once mixed with normal vaginal fluids it causes the problem I had. Since I had this procedure done, I have not really had a problem except when I am either ovulating or just before my period. I am no DR so I only wanted to share my experience so maybe it will help someone!! :)