For those losing the last 10 lbs - what's the secret???



  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Finally got my abs to show by zig-zagging my was the only thing that broke my plateau.
  • Shock your body, do something different from what you normally do, if you run try a spin class or zumba or something and vice versa...I don't have the answer it's just and idea.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I am also on the last 10 lbs and trying to incorporate all these suggestions (upping protein, HIIT, and serious weights).

    I also liked this article for to run home the point DONT DO MORE CARDIO
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thank you all again for your helpful posts and words of encouragement! Patience, patience, patience. Ugh, I know. It took 8 years to put on this weight, it's not going to happen overnight but vacation is looming, you know?

    Lots of things to think about and try to incorporate. I possibly don't eat enough but it just seems so backwards to eat more to weigh less! And, it's not like I'm hungry. I eat little meals throughout the day and have probably not broken 1400 cals since I've been logging my food. I also do eat very well but that's a recent development, I know the results will start coming soon. For the past 10 days, I've completely taken out packaged foods and empty calories and upped the protein. I feel stronger (able to run farther than I have in over a year) and have lost 4" so I know the change is coming. Patience, patience, patience - this will be my new mantra :-).

    And I'm going to look at my weight lifting routine, which has been the same for at least 10 years. It is in serious need of an update.

    FYI, I cover the whole eating when not hungry topic here if you're interested
  • plcarpenter
    plcarpenter Posts: 83 Member
    Dr. Oz was saying the other day (now, granted...this was for women over 40..but I don't see why it wouldn't be the same for us gal's under that) that to lessen our workouts. Not to do as much. Also..your body might be in a change something up..maybe give yourself a break inbetween a day? Or something...sounds like you might need to do something drastic to kinda shock your body into doing again. I've also have always been told that you only need to work out 2-3x a week to maintain and 4x-5x a week to lose....Good Luck!

    I'm the over 40 and all my friends who are over 40 Mt. Bike, workout, and bust *kitten* but we all seem to have the same problem, we just can't lose those 10 pounds. It's so frustrating, as for Dr. Oz well someone I don't think doing less is the trick, is he an over 40 woman who needs to lose those pesky 10 lbs?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I eat very well (if anything I'm not eating enough)

    There's my guess! Try increasing calorie intake to something very close (within 200-300) to your maintenance level. Give yourself about 2 weeks to see if there is a new trend in weight. :smile: Other habits are great, continue the great work!
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    Great question and answers!

  • buccsgirl78
    buccsgirl78 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm guessing only 30 minutes of cardio plus about 20 minutes strength training daily just isn't enough to get rid of those last stubborn pounds, is it? I eat very well (if anything I'm not eating enough) and work out every day. I get enough sleep and am not overly stressed. So what gives? What's the secret to losing those last stubborn, stubborn pounds? Should I up the cardio to 45 or 60 minutes daily? I just bought "ripped in 30" and "6 week 6 pack" by Jillian Michaels and will be adding those to my routine, hoping they do the trick. I'm also considering replacing a meal with a protein shake, I always feel thin in the morning after a protein shake for dinner.

    I guess I'm just venting but if anyone has the magic combo, please share :-).

    I had the same thing happen to me. I actually gained two pounds one week and the next week I didnt lose a thing. What a bummer that was..... I started reading a lot more about nutrition and found out that you must mix up your workout routines AND what worked for me was mixing up your calorie intake. 1200 cal one day. 1500 the next 1200 the next 1300 the next etc. try that for a week or two. Im back to losing weight again :) good luck.
  • aimdawson
    aimdawson Posts: 31
    Just be happy it's only 10. Enjoy the weight loss you have already achieved. It will come off.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I've been stuck on my "last 10" since December 13th. On December 13th, I weighed in at 159lbs and this morning MAY 5TH, I weighed in at 159. I've been busting it for a LONG time, but nothing seems to be working for me :(
    I'd love tips as well.

    I am in the SAME boat as you!! I am trying p90x and hoping that will do the trick!!
  • scgma
    scgma Posts: 185 Member
    I've been stuck on my "last 10" since December 13th. On December 13th, I weighed in at 159lbs and this morning MAY 5TH, I weighed in at 159. I've been busting it for a LONG time, but nothing seems to be working for me :(
    I'd love tips as well.

    I am in the SAME boat as you!! I am trying p90x and hoping that will do the trick!!

    I saw a video diary not to long ago...this young lady weighed the same for 6 months!!!! No Change on the scale BUT you could see a HUGE change in her body !! Dont forget to measure!! When the scales "lie" you may be losing inches !!!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member

    I saw a video diary not to long ago...this young lady weighed the same for 6 months!!!! No Change on the scale BUT you could see a HUGE change in her body !! Dont forget to measure!! When the scales "lie" you may be losing inches !!!

    Yes, I'm a big fan of measuring! My scale has stayed the same but I've lost 4" total from my waist and hips in just 2 weeks.

    I started reading "the eat clean diet" last night and went grocery shopping this morning. Also added some protein to breakfast and rearranged my daily plan so I'll be eating 5 small meals, 1 every 3 hours. I used the interval training on the elliptical this morning but didn't really feel challenged so I'll apply the same idea to my weight lifting session later today. Tomorrow I run and will up the intensity.

    Thank you all for the tips, I'm really trying to incorporate them and am hopeful for results. I did not weigh myself this morning, I'm giving up the scale for the week and will check measurements next Tuesday.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Hey everybody. Just wanted to give you a short update on my progress. In the 11 days since I took your advice and added HIIT training and eating clean, I've lost 3 lbs and 5 inches. I'm not working out as much or feeling as run down and my body is changing for the better. Hope this is helpful to someone else trying to break through those last challenging pounds. I'm excited to continue to see some awesome results and get into that bikini in a month!
  • missmomma77
    missmomma77 Posts: 42
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Dr. Oz was saying the other day (now, granted...this was for women over 40..but I don't see why it wouldn't be the same for us gal's under that) that to lessen our workouts. Not to do as much. Also..your body might be in a change something up..maybe give yourself a break inbetween a day? Or something...sounds like you might need to do something drastic to kinda shock your body into doing again. I've also have always been told that you only need to work out 2-3x a week to maintain and 4x-5x a week to lose....Good Luck!

    I'm the over 40 and all my friends who are over 40 Mt. Bike, workout, and bust *kitten* but we all seem to have the same problem, we just can't lose those 10 pounds. It's so frustrating, as for Dr. Oz well someone I don't think doing less is the trick, is he an over 40 woman who needs to lose those pesky 10 lbs?

    Sometimes a week of total rest and relaxed eating will do a HUGE number on your metabolism and weight loss lol. Maybe that's that 'Dr. Oz' meant? It works...I know people who've done it. Convincing myself to do it now...that's a whole other story =p.
    Hey everybody. Just wanted to give you a short update on my progress. In the 11 days since I took your advice and added HIIT training and eating clean, I've lost 3 lbs and 5 inches. I'm not working out as much or feeling as run down and my body is changing for the better. Hope this is helpful to someone else trying to break through those last challenging pounds. I'm excited to continue to see some awesome results and get into that bikini in a month!

    Congratulations!! I'm on a plateau myself (less than 1lb of weight loss over 3 weeks...abnormal for me...), and it's the last 10-12lbs that are killing me. I've incorporated a zig zag calorie intake plan, and am looking to mix up my workouts some this week as well.

    We'll see how it goes!

  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Bumping...came across this, it is an oldie but a goodie!
    I am also working on those last ten, and they are stubborn!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Wow, can't believe how long ago I started this post! Eight years and I'm back to working on those last 10 lbs. Just have to laugh about it. At least I'm here and it's only 10 lbs.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Wow, can't believe how long ago I started this post! Eight years and I'm back to working on those last 10 lbs. Just have to laugh about it. At least I'm here and it's only 10 lbs.

    That's funny. It all seems so important in the moment but seems so insignificant once you get a little perspective!

    I sweated any weight increase more than a couple of pounds for years after losing the bulk of my weight and then at some point I just accepted that it was what it was, trusted myself and the process, and stopped worrying so much. A year later and voila, I'm only 3 pounds heavier than I was when I entered maintenance and carry so much less stress about my weight.