too much protein?



  • emonaghan75
    Thank you to everyone who posted! I wasn't expecting such a large response! This is a great website!
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260

    3. Overall weight loss depends truly, only on calories in versus calories burned (it doesn't matter if all those calories come from protein, carbs, or fat, or some combination thereof). Yes, eating certain foods are healthier, but if all you ate was twinkies, and you burned more calories than you were eating in twinkies, you *will* lose weight. You'll also lose a lot of muscle mass in the process and feel l ike $h!t when it's all over due to lack of nutrients, sugar highs and crashes, etc.

    I read about this study on a professor went on a twinkie diet to prove to his students that it is about the intake of calories that counts in terms of weight loss. 2 twinkies a day and a sensible meal! He lost weight, and he did state that he felt like crap and couldn't weight to eat healthier meals!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    how are you getting that much protein? egg whites/tuna/turkey every day?
    Not sure who you are referring to with this question, but if it's me, my diary is public.....feel free to take a peek.
  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    What happens to protein:

    It is broken down into building blocks known as peptides.
    Then, it is further broken down and it becomes amino acids.
    The amino acids are absorbed through the small intestine's lining and enter the blood stream.
    From here, some of the amino acids build the body's protein stores.

    Excess amino acids are converted to fats and sugars.

    So carlfry, you are not far off.

    Thank you. I know I read some where late one night what happens. I've not gotten much sleep lately and have totally blanked out, lol. That is what I read.
  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    The numbers here are all wrong.

    "What's your goal weight?

    Take that number, and multiple by 1.

    Got that number?

    That's how many grams of protein you should be taking in if you are active."

    by this calculation if i want to weigh 150lb then i need to eat 150 grams of protein!!!?? The CDC says that a woman between the age of 19-70 needs 46 grams of protein a day. Yes if you're more active then you should eat more but 3x more that's a lot. We as American's/westerner's eat way more protein then necessary.

    just my two cents

    I agree. That is a LOT of protein. I have a goal of 68 grams a day and that is what every site I have checked says to be at or around. There is no way I'm going to consume 162 grams!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I've been running for about a year and just found so I am finally able to watch how much food I take in and I am noticing that I go over on protein almost every day. I run between 30 and 45 minutes 4 to 5 days a week and have a very physical job. Do I need to cut back on the protein? I don't know if I am harming myself or impeding on weight loss. Thanks to whoever can answer this for me. I don't eat a lot of meat. I am getting the protein from turkey, egg whites, red meat. I never seem to reach my calorie goal but I definitely get to my protein goal. I don't eat dairy so I use calcium supplements and drink almond milk and other calcium-rich foods.

    I had the same problem. I noticed they had my carbs. very high. So I went into goals and lowered my carbs to 45% and in doing that it raised my protein. I have been doing it for a year now and I love it.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    pds06 .... that's a GREAT idea! I think I'm going to do that, too! Everyone is different. I have been on the Cinch diet, which is really a healthy eating for life plan. BUT, while my hubby lost 40 pounds in 9 weeks, I lost 5. It's a very well balanced diet, but, it requires a healthy grain at every meal (4 meals a day). I KNOW ... in my head, healthy grains are important. I also know, if I eat that much in carbs, even if they are whole grains, I DON'T lose weight. I'm not for taking out all carbs and adding heavy proteins, but, I HAVE noticed that I tend to lose weight faster if I decrease my carbs and increase my proteins. I didn't realize I could alter the amount in the goals. Duh! Thanks! That will help!