How do you avoid Temptation?



  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I have a REALLY bad sweet tooth in the afternoon and of course my boss has a big bowl of chocolates on her desk for everyone to help themselves. I recently found some freeze dried fruit at Costco that have no added sugar, just fruit. With all of the water out of them they're sweet enough to keep me out of the chocolates and they're just 45 calories a packet. That or the 90 calorie packs of Mini Delight rice cakes in caramel drizzle.

    My boss ALWAYS has candy, cookies, cakes, anything you can think of, sitting around at the office. That's a huge part of why I got to where I'm at now... I'm sitting on my butt all day at an office with chocolate temptation everywhere! I've found that it's easiest to avoid if I just completely avoid the break room altogether... and of course fill up on water all day!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I've changed my dietary habits to crave healthy alternatives. The "temptation" foods no longer have that effect on me. I see pastries and automatically I think, "I need carbs" then reach for wheat toast and some almond/peanut butter...
  • wetonia1
    wetonia1 Posts: 13 Member
    "I've just had a bit of an argument with myself over a cupcake. I asked myself if I had one would I feel satisfied or would I want another !
    The answer was yes I'd want another, sooo if after eating one, I'd feel the same as if i hadnt eaten any at all, what's the point !!
    I probably haven't made sense but I was arguing with myself after all :)"

    You've made perfect sense to me! I'm going to keep this in mind!

    Thanks for sharing!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't avoid it.

    I eat the foods I love, just less of them.

    For example, last night instead of pouring my own glass of hard cider I had sips of hubby's.

    I also keep healthy foods at work so that I don't make bad choices eating out.
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    I have a few techniques!

    I usually just walk away to be honest - I have the attention span of a goldfish so it's likely I'll forget about it quickly, haha!

    If I'm desperate to have something, then I'll plan it in my calories and just have a small portion of it. Or I'll exercise how many calories it is.

    If I don't have the calories spare and no time to exercise, then I'll look at the item and shout 'SHUT UP YOU STUPID FOOD!' inside of my head. That makes me laugh to myself because yes it is slightly ridiculous bonkers thing to shout in my head, but that reminds me that its not the end of the world if I don't eat something. There's always another day and another meal to plan it in.
