Hey everyone I'm a newbie....started 8 days ago...

Well, when I clicked on 'message board', I was 'told' to say Hello....so here I am! :)
I'm on day 08 and today was my first weigh in. I lost 5lbs over the past week. It may not be a HUGE amount, but its most definitely a start and I can't wait to keep losing the weight! I've actually grown to love doing exercise over the past eight days- it makes me feel happy and healthy! I love walking my four legged friend around a near by huge field twice and sometimes 4 times a day. Today I had to go on my own- only because it was raining and I didn't want my dog (Holly) to run through the house leaving a trail of muddy foot prints behind her! But nothing stopped me from going, after all a little bit of rain never hurt anyone!
So, the question is....how did I find myself clicking the 'sign up' tab?! Well I recently took a good, hard look at myself in the mirror and it made me realise how I had to do something about my weight- I can admit myself that I have curves in all the wrong places. It hurts to hear people shouting insults out of their cars! Yes, this actually happened to me the other morning on my way to college- I was in bits- I didn't think people could sink that low- especially when I never realised how big I actually was- it made me want to do something- it gave me that final push. Now, I've never been the kind of person to care about what people think of me as a person, but being judged like that really pushed me off the edge. I come from a family who are all big boned and I know that I will never be a size zero- nor would I want to be- but a healthy size 12 would be enough to put a smile back on my face. I stand at 6ft as well, which doesn't help- I hate my height, but that is something that I do not have the power to change, but my figure I can and I will! I have the willpower to get through this. You see, I don't see this as a diet, I see it as a lifestyle and since I've started, I just don't want to stop. I love being healthy. Sure unhealthy foods look great & taste great...but they are deceitful to the eye...what you don't see is the number of calories and the grams of fat that are within them. What s that good old saying you always hear?...'A second on the lips, is a lifetime on the hips'....how very true.
So, yes I've joined the force and may it be with me! :P I've seen so many peoples weight loss records on here and they are amazing, they really are. You all ought to be so very proud of yourselves! I am just so glad that I came across this website, as it really has given me a new look on life and its helping me so much!
I know that I have the willpower to get on and arrive at the weight that I want to be. Remember nothing in life is easy, but in the end it should work out, as long as you put as much into it as you think is appropriate, then you'll get just as much out.
Keep healthy & happy guys!