Will my diary be judged!!!

Ok so for the first time since i have started I have worked out how to add friends, post topics etc.

Now i realise you can look at other peoples food diarys and vice versa!

There will be somedays when my diary may mostly consist of alcohol. i.e if i know im going out i will still eat during the day but low calerie food so I can enjoy as many drinks on a night out as i can! I know vodka diet coke is the favourite low calerie but i love rose!

Just thinking how this will look to other people, is it stupid of me to do this ( bearing in mind it will only be once a weekend really i.e Friday/sat night)

Anyone else ever used majority of their caleries on booze...!?


  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Well...I don't think anyone really looks at a person's diary unless they're a personal friend/family or you ask people to look at your diary. I've got a few friends on here and I haven't looked at any of theirs yet. And since no one knows you personally I doubt anyone would really care if you have a lot of drinks in there.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Yes I think you would be judged, especially if you ask questions about your diet, but that's no reason not to open your diary. It's always good for you to hear other people's views, mine is open and I log everything, even on days when I eat unhealthily. It's up to you to take other people's comments and decide whether to act on them or ignore them.

    Obviously it's pretty unhealthy to not eat, just so you can drink. If you're not going to cut back on the booze, you'd be better off eating lightly on your drinking days and taking just a bit longer to lose weight. Eat nothing and you won't lose fat anyway, you'll lose muscle, which will make it even harder to lose weight.

    But if the majority of calories is booze, how much are you drinking, and what are you picking? Either you are a raging alcoholic or there are different drinks you could choose.

    IIRC spirits are only 50 calories a shot. I'm drinking Cava right now, a dry sparkling wine, even a whole bottle would only be just under 500 calories!

    EDITED TO ADD: Just remembered seeing a thread on here something like "Like Minded Lushes" which may be worth doing a search for. Not read it myself, but from the title it could be promising.

    EDITED AGAIN TO ADD: Apologies, I've just noticed that you did say you're eating on the days that you drink.

    Oh, and I am also revising my answer to "Will you be judged? Probably not as much as you will be on this thread" :bigsmile:
  • PositiveMummy
    I might not be giving you the healthy sensible answer, but my opinion is, you're on here which means you obviously care about doing something about your health and your weight, and any changes at all are a start!

    Plenty of people like to have a few drinks on a night out, you dont need to feel like you have to be ashamed or hide them from your diary. You're including the calories of your drinks so at least its being tracked, and you might feel that once you've got more into filling your diary and seeing how much you drink over a while, you wanna cut down a bit. But if not, dont worry... just be honest to yourself and try your hardest, thats all anyone can do!

  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Judgment can not be prevented. If you're diary is open to the public, there may be those who will look at it and give you "strong advice" and there are those who just won't look at it. I belong to the latter half. What people do in their own time is their own thing. I concentrate on me.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Well the less you eat the faster you get drunk. It's not that bad to be a cheap date. :-)
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Hi and thanks for the reply

    Firstly, no im not a raging alcoholic hahah, and thankfully vodka and diet coke is my favourite alcoholic drink.

    All im weary of is that i am 20, I like to be sociable at the weekends and am still in the place where going out at the weekend and having a few drinks is on the agenda, dont get me wrong - sometimes I wont go out for a couple of weeks.

    I know that I will be tracking my drinks so I will consciously be eating less/fewer caleries during the day to make sure i dont go over my caleries - although if there are some left im sure i will eat them when i get back!

    Well Im hoping that when i do go out I will just see itsa not worth throwing the caleries away and be smart about it!

    Thanks for your thought provoking reply!
  • ashahl
    ashahl Posts: 81
    Some weekends (and the occasional weekday) my booze intake is like 900 caloriesfor the night. My diary is open to all my friends and they have never said a thing about it. They might be thinking it but I really don't find the people on here are that judgemental. The majority of people here are going from pretty average/unhealthy diets to a healthier lifestyle so I don't think they feel the need to look down on others for what they put in their bodies.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    pahahahha thats funny. and also true! as in i will get drunk faster - not being a cheap date!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Just make your diary private and you don't have to worry about anybody looking at your diet.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Thanks - I didnt actually know i could set it as private.

    I was also just generally interested into other peoples thoughts on alcohol aswell, like if some people gave it up after joinign MFP.

    Some people I know cut out booze and then the weight just fell off. with me...i defintaly know its certain foods i need to cut out!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Thanks - I didnt actually know i could set it as private.
    It's already private, that is the default setting.

    You can also set it to friends only, password only or public.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    It will be easier to lose weight if you give up drinking. Sporatic drinking won't kill your efforts, but it will slow them down. Drinking a lot very often could very well stall you for periods of time.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    It will be easier to lose weight if you give up drinking. Sporatic drinking won't kill your efforts, but it will slow them down. Drinking a lot very often could very well stall you for periods of time.

    this, AND if you're that concerned about the calories, you could make an effort to squeeze in an intensive workout before you get ready for your evening out. then, you won't have to eat so lightly to be able to spare the calories for the liquor.

    that's what i would do, if i ever went out.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    It will be easier to lose weight if you give up drinking. Sporatic drinking won't kill your efforts, but it will slow them down. Drinking a lot very often could very well stall you for periods of time.

    I found this to be true for me as well. I have stopped drinking while I'm in "losing" mode, and when I reach goal, I'll reincorporate alcohol into my calorie guidelines.

    on another note, even if anyone sits in judgment of you, that's their problem. If anyone makes a comment to you in judgment, well, that's what the "delete" button was made for :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Life's waaaaay too short to be harmed by the opinions of others.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    You can lock it, open it to friends, or open it to friends with a password (so only 'good' friends can see it)
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I do that! i think it's just good planning on our part :)
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    I think there were some threads :happy: "booze" you could search it ...I think there was a discussion about it.

    You are your own keeper so good luck with your journey here. :flowerforyou:
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    I too sometimes "plan" my calories around drinking as well; especially if I know I am going out with friends or I want to have a couple glasses of wine with dinner. I have a public diary and I have never had a negative comment.

    I realize that having a couple of bloody mary's on Sunday greatly impacts my Monday morning weight-ins, but sometimes I just want 'em and drink away.:drinker: :drinker:
