Can you spell A-G-G-R-A-V-T-E-D? Gym Rant/Horror Story

jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been going to the same gym for almost 2 years. In fact I won a contest shortly after joining so had my two years paid in full. Its a NYC franchise gym, ladies only, and the branch I go to is on the small side so have to sign up for ellipticals & treadmills. Lately there have been more and more women arguing over the machines; there has been a rash of thefts; class instructors are habitually late (by 10-15 minutes minimum); and they keep losing cleaning staff so the place gets kinda filthy. However, when the classes start they are really good, kick *kitten* sessions; I have a great personal trainer; and 95% of the ladies are wonderful. I have continued to go there despite the concerns I mentioned and the fact that although right now I don't pay for membership, I have to pay $5.00 per day at a garage for parking, since the gym is downtown and it doesn't have a parking lot or anything. Oh and because its small, in order to get a treadmill first thing in the morning, you actually have to get to the gym about 30 minutes before it opens to be one of the first 6 six in line.

Today, the staff was late and opened the doors 10 minutes late so people were already angry and stressed. Then there was a 20 minute argument amongst 4 ladies & staff member over use of the machines. I'm trying to concentrate & do my run which is really hard to do when you have have a bunch of screaming broads next to you. I finally got of my treadmill, said take mine (there was one lady who got screwed by one of the other regulars because the regular came late, shouldn't have gotten a treadmill but called one of her buddies to sign up the machine for her, the lady who didn't get a treadmill was angry about it and I don't blame her). At that point, no longer in the mood to exercise. Normally I don't care... never pay attention to what others do, don't care if people have ever commented about me (a 400+ lb woman using a treadmill I'm sure was a sight to see), don't even know the names of most of the other regulars because I don't chit chat... I go to work out. However, this truly disgusted me. I decide I'm done, get my stuff, as I'm passing the front desk the staff member says "oh, I wanted to talk to you. I'm not mad at you." WTF????? Why would you be mad at me??? I didn't do anything in fact probably alleviated the situation by giving up the treadmill. I would have appreciated a thank you. Told her that the drama was ridiculous, the handling of the situation was awful and left.

I went to sit, grab a paper, have a cup of tea, use my i phone (gotta love the hubby for talking me into one) to explore other gym options. Found one a little farther away, and will cost $ 50.00 a month (although will actually save money since I pay at least $80.00 a month for parking). Its larger, cleaner, looks like the classes will be cool but seriously... why is it that people can't be courteous of each other and play by the rules??? Looking at it I realize I've been putting up with several issues and its probably time for a change but I would have liked to leave on good terms.

Anyone else have gym horror stories???


  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Oh My!!!! I could not deal with that!!! I would surely find another gym.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I would definatly find another gym! It sounds like you have outgrown this one.
  • holli_walker
    holli_walker Posts: 109 Member
    Sorry to heat about your experience but maybe at the gym you will win another 2 years for free :)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Wow. I got nothing like that.

    The only weird thing at my gym, is the guy that brings his dog and works out in his underwear.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    not really a HORROR story... but a gym I used to go to was attached to the hospital that I worked at. So, whenever I'd go to work out, I'd undoubtedly run into someone I knew. Especially 1 of the old creepy security guards. He would literally just stand there and talk to me the whole time, even if I stopped replying... so I quit that place :D
  • prencesskl
    prencesskl Posts: 123
    You may want to call the gym and complain, you may end up with another free membership. Though the parking fee isn't so great : ) I love planet fitness (though they have no babysitting or classes, but the 10/mo makes up for that) I have recently decided that sometimes no commercial gyms work better. I had some horror situations with my old gym, now go to one that is the only one the owner has, and it's amazing the difference : )
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I've been to some crappy gyms in the past but I do really like mine now - I've been going for 4 years and apart from the fact that they really need to get the freaking air conditioning fixed, it's great. In fact, it's starting to feel like a second home away from home now and I've become really stuck on using only one of the treadmills so maybe I should change before I get weird OCD tendencies...!
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Sorry to hear about your experience at the gym. We have a very small gym in our tiny town. It is at the park district and is full of donated equipement. The open hours are 9am-11am. If you go when they are open, it is free. But that doesn't fit into our schedule, so we pay $15/month for a key card to go 24/7. We have access to two fitness centers and the small gymnasium for basketball/soccer/football. I thought 15 was a steal for our entire family to enjoy the gym. I started about 3 weeks ago and have went every day except two. My hubby started going with but hates to workout when anyone else is there, I didn't really mind. There is no staff and I have seen very few of the other 24/7 members.

    I don't go to socialize, but have seen two woman I know and we exchange hellos. But last Sunday evening I went in and started my hour on the treadmill. Soon I was joined my one of my mom's friends, who was also doing an hour. Now, when I say small, I mean small. There are only two electronic treadmills and 1 manual treadmill. After about 40 minutes, three other woman came in and gave us snobby looks and then sat on the rowing machines. They continued to talk, about what I don't know, had my MP3 player on, and giving us dirty looks, do some half-*kitten* rowing for 15 seconds, then get up and go pace in the other room, come back and do the same. This lasted the remaining 20 minutes of my run. The other woman gave up and got off, any none of them got on. They stood right in front of mine waiting for me to get done. Once I got off, I barely had time to sanitize it and grab my water, before they were jumping on.

    I don't really understand what the rudeness what for. I pay the same to be there. There is probably a total of 30 different types of equipment in that one fitness center they could have used, until we were done. And more upstairs. I have since started making note of who and when others are there, to avoid those woman again.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    that sounds like a lot of mental and physical exhaustion just to put in a days worth of exercise, my gosh how frustrating! My mom keeps mentioning that we should join a gym but I keep telling here, no, I like just being able to get up and go out for a walk/jog or use my elliptical, if I had to get ready, get in my car to get there, I wouldn't go, so big waste of money, been there done that already! I don't know how you put up with all that BS, it sounds just maddening. I would find another gym, AND ask for for a refund of the remaining months you won't be using it and if they don't give it to you, take them to small claims court! with all the BS and things going on, I would side with you. Going to a gym is soppose to relieve stress, not make it worse! Good luck and good for you for doing so great!
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Sorry that this has turned into a bad and ugly experiance for you.....KUDOS on RUNNING! I cant wait to run :happy:
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    Im sorry that happened to you. I go to Planet Fitness and i love it! I have had maybe only one issue and it was very minor with a another person working out. I was having the week from hell already and i was fed up with everyones crap and them not being apprectiative of my hard work. Anyways i was running and this guy next to me couldnt get his treadmill started and i polietly said, sir its because your emergency clip is half on and half off. He just said oh. No thank you nothing. BUT aside from all that planet fiteness' or at least mine anyways, they keep very well maintained and clean. Theres no sign up for machines which i what i love the most because the Y used to be like that and i hated it! Staff is friendly and I make new friends on a daily basis. But i hope everything gets better for you. And i hope you find a new gym and have better experiences! :)

    -Kelly H.
  • I am thankful for the treadmill that my place of employment has provided. If not for that I would be at the mercy of endless dvds or whatever my mind can come up with for a workout ( which isn't much ). I can't afford the YMCA...god they got expensive in the last couple of years. There is another gym in town but I refuse to give them even a penny. I applied to work there at the front desk and was told " You don't possess the qualities in what a front desk clerk for us requires, we have a certain look for the people up front, but we have a day care position open in the back if you are interested." Really, are you f'in kidding me?!? My thought was, get the job, work out and show the people that come there how hard work pays off. I declined the position and WILL NOT go to a gym where the employees make judgements about patrons. This is my main gripe about gyms, the people there all seem to give dirty looks and make snide remarks. How am I supposed to feel comfortable in that environment?
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