Getting discouraged. Help?!



  • WifedUpMartin
    WifedUpMartin Posts: 167 Member
    Kind of a personal question, but are you constipated?
    I had terrible trouble with that my first couple of weeks. :embarassed:
    Again, I think it just takes your body a while to adjust to the new lifestyle. (More water and fruit should help.)

    Nope! I am about as regular as they get. I even go at the same time every day! lol probably TMI!
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Yes, it sounds crazy, but eat more! I eat back almost all of my exercise calories every day!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I think you're doing a great job so far of cutting out the fast food and switching to a more healthy diet, but there's still some higher sodium convenience foods and snacks - I would suggest adding in more fruit in place of the sugary snacks, and maybe try incorporating fish (baked, steamed or broiled). I find a day or two of cutting out all processed foods, eating a good amount of lean protein, steamed or raw veggies, and fresh fruits really helps me lose.
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    DONT GIVE UP....famous last words eh???

    But when I joint about 4 weeks ago the same thing happened to me.... make sure you are eating enough and
    keep it up. the scale is now moving for me...YEAH....I eventaully lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks then people say to eat back
    your xercise calories but YIKES i went up 4 #!@& lbs.. I WAS NOT HAPPY... I have about 40-55lbs to lose and I think right
    now I am back on track NOT eating back my xercise calories...till I hit a plateau.... who really knows the answers

    SOOOO please dont give up girly... KEPP GOING!!!!! ONE DAY IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT>>>>>:glasses:
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I know the days I am going to exercise and I know what I usually will burn in a session because I have a HRM. SO, I will add more calories during the day so that I have no excuse not to exercise, and then at the end of the night im not rushing to find something thats high calorie to eat to replenish thsoe calories...
  • celticgirl1787
    Definitely try to eat more. If that doesn't work, you might go to your doctor and have them check your thyroid. Just a simple blood test will reveal how its functioning. If its out of whack that can cause weight gain and/or inability to lose weight.
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    First of all....feel free to add me if you'd like. I went thru exactly what ur doing my first time around on this site...but like you-and like I knew about me.....there is something we know we're not doing right and maybe not being honest about it....or maybe its just that u need to drink more water and take in less sodium from the looks of ur diary. Sodium tends to retain water and all available fluids in our I'm not claiming to be perfect or God-like but I am here to help you if you want some extra support... no need to be frustrated....this site and the people you meet are great role models!! :flowerforyou:
  • lauriallen
    lauriallen Posts: 39
    You've gotten so many good points already and I agree with them all. If your not hungry and still need to add some calories then us OJ or apple juice to substitute for food, and chocolate milk is a great drink after a really good cardio workout it will help you recover. Feel free to add me if you're looking for some more support, the more the better I say.

    Good Luck girl.
  • Nicksmom1974
    I don't know if this will help or not, but I agree with everyone else that you are not eating enough.

    My doctor has me on 1200 calories per day, down from 2500 to 3000 per day. It was difficult to make it balance out. But you do have to eat or your body will definately go into starvation mode and hold on to everything you put in your mouth. The processed foods are a no no too. For dinner, try 6 to 8 oz of meat - steak, chicken, fish, etc. and as many fresh/frozen/canned veggies (watch the sodium content) as you can eat like greenbeans, broci., califlower, greens, spinich, large mixed green salads...that type thing. Most vegies like these only carry 35 to 45 calories per cup so you can eat almost as much as you want and get full.
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    Hang in there! You should be aiming for lifestyle changes. It sounds like you have the exercise portion totally under control. Good for you going from inactive to working out regularly. Keep that up! I looked at your diary and will agree with other comments-try to eat more of those exercise calories. Sodium also reeks havoc on the scale. Packaged foods are so convenient, but loaded with sodium. Do you have time each week to devote to cooking? I have found that making my own "pre-packaged" meals helps me control my calories and ensures that there is always a quick, healthy meal in the fridge. For example, I noticed you eat oatmeal for breakfast. Me too! I make a big pot of steel cut oats once a week, portion it out in containers and every morning grab one, reheat, and add my preferred fixings (almond butter, honey, and banana-350 calories and keeps me satisfied for at least 4 hours)

    Don't be discouraged, you are making wonderful changes. You just have a few more adjustments to make and you will be successful! Drink lots of water, keep moving, tweak your diet and keep at it. Stay off the scale for a while and just keep going based on how you feel. The weight will come off! Those of us on this journey all know that it did not take a month to become overweight, so it is unrealistic to expect it to come off quickly. Slow and steady! Hang in there.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    I eat 5-6 times a day and I am never hungry! I feel like I am stuffing myself! And I feel like I'm drowning in all the water I've been drinking! Do I just eat to get my cals up even though I'm not hungry?!

    your body will eventually be hungry. i used to be the same way, only eating fast food. idk about you, but if i were to log a day of the way i used to eat, even though it's fast food, there is no way i would be eating enough cals. so your body is most likely just not used to haveing to eat the amount of food it's supposed to. trust me, you will start to get hungry. if i don't eat after about 3 hrs, my stomach is just growling away!!

    if you have a hard time eating larger amounts of food, try eating foods with higher cals, such as nuts, avocados, whole grain bread/pasta, brown rice. just because you are watching cals does not mean you can't eat things with higher cals.a big bowl of salad may be healthy, and fill you up, but if you aren't making your cals by the end of the day, it was kinda wasted :)
  • hazeleyez2010
    hazeleyez2010 Posts: 4 Member
    Hang in there!!! I had a gastric bypass done back in Aug 2010. I know that taking the weight off isn't easy. You are starving your body and that has a lot to do with it. Also to try not drinking anything 30 minutes before your meals/snacks, during your meals/snacks and then nothing for 30 minutes afterwards. When you are drinking you was doing what they call dumping your system and you are not getting the full effect of the food that you just put in your body.

    Also to try the Hungry Girl website she has some amazing recipes that are huge in servings and not a lot of calories. Try eating smaller portions and eat more often.

    Since I had the bypass I have to eat my protein first, then veggies, and then starch (like bread, pasta, rice, ect) last only if I have if I have room.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    You need to eat more. You need to net at least 1200 calories.
  • jalesher
    jalesher Posts: 3
    Try to balance your meals more. When I first started I worked with a personal trainer. I was told to eat 1700 calories per day. 400 at each meal, 200 for morning and afternoon snack and the other 100 where ever it may fall. I found that it works. Also by not eating enough your body thinks it's starving and starts to store fat so no matter how much you work out you don't lose. I did that too. I'm still learning and still working with a trainer. It keeps me on track and when I fall off the wagon I have someone to go to for help who knows what to do to get me back on track.

    Hang in there and good luck with your weight loss.
  • mmmrisssa
    mmmrisssa Posts: 13 Member
    I am in the SAME boat with you. I not only didnt lose for over a week i gained a pound even though i never hit my calorie goal and i work out every day... :/
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't think you're eating enough, so you're sending your body into starvation mode. Contrary to old school weight loss thoughts - you HAVE to eat in order to lose weight. Plain and simple. If you don't fuel your body, it will hold onto fat stores and weight in order to protect itself from starvation.
  • mariasheehan
    mariasheehan Posts: 335

    I would say eat more and cut out the sodium laden foods, I know they're really convenient but they are the enemy :smile:

    Good luck!!!!
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    :( I'm sorry that you're so disheartened...but please don't give up. Did you notice that you are under eating by over 800 calories today? I know it doesn't sound right, but under eating while trying to lose weight actually doesn't help, it hinders. Before throwing the proverbial towel in...why don't you attempt a few weeks of eating almost exactly what they suggest you eat? I can tell you that I've been on this site since Monday. Prior to that I had been counting calories in my head (I'm not good at math haha) and under eating for a month and a half with no results. I decided to keep a food journal and posted that on FB which is where I heard about this site. I realized my errors in the past month and a half...and I swear to you, since Monday...I have dropped 5 lbs. (I have a lot to lose)...So please just try it for a little, and the excercise...well that's just helping your body be healthy no matter what results are showing at the moment, so keep it up!
    (I've also been told that if a person has been overweight for a majority of time, sometimes it takes their bodies a while to reliquish where it's comfortable...but once it starts letting go of the cumfy really drops.)
    * Hugs*
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I understand what it feels like to be spinning your wheels. Its an uphill battle for every single pound lost so I don't have much in the way of diet advice as I'm struggling myself. The only advice I have is to maybe treat yourself to something non-food, maybe a lip gloss, lotion, or even a pair of shoes, just something to help you feel better. I figure with all the work I'm putting in and the sacrifices I make, I'm not going to accept being empty handed when the scale doesn't move. That reward system helps me from throwing in the towel and completely giving up.
  • WifedUpMartin
    WifedUpMartin Posts: 167 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your wonderful support and advice. I guess I will try to up my cals. I am about to drag my depressed butt to the gym thanks to all your support! You guys really are the best!