
Anybody working with a trainer? If so, is your trainer a sadist? LOL My legs would swear today that mine is a sadist. Have you worked with a trainer before or currently? Is it work the money? He kicks my butt but so far I am enjoying it....I can see and feel a difference. I am hoping this is the push I need to stay on track.


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Sounds like you have a good one who is pushing you. That is definitely worth the money! I don't need somebody to show me how to do stuff, I know that. I need somebody in my face making me give that extra effort. Good luck with stairs and the bathroom tomorrow!
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    i got my wife a trainer for 12 sessions 60minutes each total cost was 360.00..first time in a gym for her and i knew it would be better if she had a trainer telling how to use the equipment and the workout the right way..not the husband way..the best money ever grief on me..did my workout, without being asked any questions and she learn how to use the gym and workout for her needs..if you can afford one get one..until you are comfortable in doing it yourself.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I had the staff at the gym I worked out at help me about 25 years ago when I first started lifting. That helped me learn various things, but they never functioned like a personal trainer. I probably could have used one back then. Now I seem to be able to push myself plenty hard without one. There may be a time when I want one, but not at this point.

    Having said that, if you are not someone who has worked out for many years, you would definitely be helped by at least a few sessions with a personal trainer. He or she will push you past that point where you start to back off because you don't want to feel that burn. It will help you learn that when you think you have pushed yourself as hard as you can, you can probably push harder.