Weight loss pills?



  • SlowlyLosingLolita
    SlowlyLosingLolita Posts: 93 Member
    I've been taking Green Tea pills and I really think they have helped my hunger. I'm not sure if it's a mind over matter type situation or if they are really doing anything but I notice that when I take them with lunch, I tend to want a very small dinner.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I'm clueless to the whole diet pill thing. I can't take anything like that since I have a bad ticker and Diabetic. But...if you are hungry..how about, I dunno, eating a snack? I have a hard time understanding this concept of starving on a diet. Then again I eat 5 times a day. Maybe it's the fat girl mentality but I try to eat as much as possible for as small amount of calories as I can!
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    :( the only fda one is my alli. Scarry thing with that is if you accidently give into your urge and eat something high in fat you will have oily butt discharge. Diet pills don't work believe me I wish they did. It would be a whole lot easier to just take a pill instead of workout and eat right. Also here are some tips from webmd http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/15-foods-to-help-you-lose

    Laughed so hard I snorted on the oily butt discharge comment...

    Lol it's funny but true!! It's scary to think that you could eat let's say enchilldas and then opps butt discahrge!! If I took my alli I would be scared to eat anythign at all.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    If you have diabetes you have special issues. Namely that taking insulin or metaformin will increase your appetite and cause you to use the calories you eat. Ask your doctor if you could use Byetta. It really helped me start controlling my hunger. It also helps drive your blood sugar down so that you don't need as much medicine. If I could afford it I would go back on it so I could drop the lantus I take altogether and to help me get my weight down quicker because as I add exercise I get more hungry.

    Having said that if you are not diabetic and even if you are, there are other things you can do as others have mentioned.
    Water. Start with water when you are hungry, often our bodies don't distingush between hunger and thirst. I started eating protien when pregnant when I wante chocolate because that is what my body actually needed. It just misinterpereted the signal. Hot beverages before a meal will help you feel full, and of course fiber. Cut everything white out of your diet. (except cauliflour and the occasional potoato but only if you eat the skin too. )
  • heather0709
    heather0709 Posts: 110 Member
    I tried lipozene , hydroxcut , exedrine and zantrex 3 I'm guessing it help for thr first 3 months now that I lost 36 pounds and stop taking the pills Im not losing as fast as with the pills but they never helped with hunger issues , I'm not sure why I'm a stay at home mom and get bored easily and always want to eat my kids junk food lol I need to lose 6 more pounds and it's been hard !
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    I got a great 'jump start' using Solo Slim. I took that, lost about 40 pounds, and then got motivated to get off them and get to the gym. Now, I didn't go to the gym right away and of course gained some weight back - but it was an awesome jump start - I took them for about 3 months. Since starting at the gym I have kept the rest of the weight off.

    They are pricey - about $40 for a 30 day supply - and there are a couple side effects (cottonmouth and a mild headache the first couple days for me, some people get jittery on it), but it's one pill a day in the morning, it controls your appetite, and I had great sucess on it. Jump start only - you have to watch portions and get moving for long-term success - but it really worked well for me.
  • Thanks for the advice, everyone. :smile:
  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    The sad part is... it's TRUE.
  • agent300
    agent300 Posts: 73
    They do not exist. If they did, no one would be obese.

    thank you. i dont know why this is so hard for people to grasp.
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