Eat Right for your Blood Type



  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Perhaps there isn't any "credible" evidence about this "diet", but as I was reading I find it ironic that the things he mentions about my particular blood type are dead on. I've also seen in this thread other people who've mentioned their blood type and the description being dead on for them too.

    There's a famous demonstration often done in classes on critical thinking. The teacher asks everyone for their date of birth and, at the next class, hands out to each student a descriptions their personality which is said to be based on an astrological reading. The students are asked not to share these with anyone else yet, but to rate their descriptions based on how accurately they are described. Almost everyone says the descriptions are remarkably accurate. It is then revealed that everyone got the same print-out. This is done by careful wording of what are in reality pretty vague statements, combined with our tendency to hone in on the "remarkable" matches and pay less attention to the vague parts that don't resonate.

    PS I went looking for the evidence *after* I first saw this diet and saw that part of the advice for my blood type really resonated for me. So I'm not immune to this. When I went back and looked with a more skeptical eye, I paid more attention to the other parts and saw that there was enough there that there'd be something in each type that would resonate for most people.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    i have never heard of this before!!

    but from what you guys have posted... i would die! I am a type A and all i EVER want to eat is meat, and I HATE vegetables. Usually when someone asks what I want to eat, my answer is "something with meat!" no joke.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I found it interesting that he says A types are the only ones who can be healthy vegetarians because their ancestry goes back to gatherers (not hunters) so their genetics are predisposed to functioning best on a meatless diet.

    I am an A type and to be honest, NEVER crave meat. In fact, even before I became an "actual" vegetarian, I rarely, if ever, ate red meat. I have friends who just crave a big juicy steak and nothing could be further from the truth for me! I'm not one of those vegetarians that becomes one for ethical reasons, I just don't like to eat animal meat! Reading the blood type book sort of gave me an explanation for maybe why that is.

    exactly. the. same. gave up meat as a teen because it mad me feel sick.:smile:
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    There is no credible scientific theory or evidence for the "eat right for your blood type" diet. (I'm a scientist and have gone looking for published evidence). Pretty much any diet that restricts what you eat in some way will work for many people in the short term (because it makes you pay attention to what you eat and may cut out, by chance, some of the things you like to over-indulge in), but "eat right for your blood type" is no different from any other fad diet.
    This is what I was waiting for, I'm a scientist also and always look for the peer reviewed evidence, rather than some anedoctal evidence by random people on a random internet forum. But as always people will jump to it's defence becuase it 'works' for them - it's the same story with crap like astrology and red raspberry tea to shorten labour etc
  • BeeHummingbird
    I am also A+ blood type and I did try this eat for your blood type for a while and I do mean for a year or so and I did lose weight and kept quite lean on this diet , and I can see the concept of the theory, but unfortunately I suffer from being Anemic to the stage where I am now in the danger zone of where my blood count should be and I am using my stored levels of iron (dangerous). So along with the idea of no red meat and according to the book for A+ I don't need all that red meat and there is nowhere in the book that says A blood types can become Anemic with the lack of red meat and if I kept on a diet of fish and no meat it could have become worse.
    I do understand you can get your Iron from other sources but to me it should not always be in tablet form.
    So if you decide to go with this theory keep in mind yes we are a certain blood type but within our own bodies, there are a whole lot of other maybe genetic reason that it is not suitable for us to restrict certain food so with that said, your body will let you know listen to it........
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    It says red meat turns into stored fats for type As. My Mom is a type O. She does great on the meat eggs and cheese diet.

    If you have a parent that is another type than you, then you can eat some foods off their list.

    It also says type As can have lean red meats once a week. Iron is in a lot of foods. Spinach, etc.

    I don't know what my birth parent's blood types are so I'm sticking just with type As list for now.
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    This is all very interesting. I'm an A as well. I barely eat red meat but do have cravings for it. I'm going to have to read up on this. Thanks for posting!
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    This is the single most exceedingly stupid diet ever to be dribbled out of what passes for someone's brain.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    What are some of the book titles that you guys have read? I'd love a suggestion/recommendation (rather than just picking up a random book!). Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    Eat Right 4 For you Blood type by Peter D'Aramo ( on the spelling)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    This is the single most exceedingly stupid diet ever to be dribbled out of what passes for someone's brain.
    I think I just fell in love!!
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    This is a seriously stupid diet.
    I'm in the processes of earning by bachelor's degree in genetics and in terms of genetics this makes NO FREAKING SENSE. Blood group antigens have nothing to do with the genes for your digestive system. There is no real evidence for pleiotropy between blood type and digestive system. This diet makes as much sense as eating base don your eye color.
    Green eyed people should eat..uh..veggies more because they are green! Brown eyed people eat meat because cows and cooked steak are brown. Blue eyed people eat only blueberries for the rest of their lives.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    How does to book account for blood type A's who have the AO karyotype as opposed to AA or type BO as opposed to BB?
    If type O's are omnivores and A's are vegetarian, how do you determine which is correct for you without a genetic test to determine if you are AA or AO?

    I think if you look to any "diet" you will find elements which work for you, for some they work better than others in all things, however you need to find the healthiest choices for you.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    phinners: Why thank you!

    rc630: Well done!
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    This is a seriously stupid diet.
    I'm in the processes of earning by bachelor's degree in genetics and in terms of genetics this makes NO FREAKING SENSE. Blood group antigens have nothing to do with the genes for your digestive system. There is no real evidence for pleiotropy between blood type and digestive system. This diet makes as much sense as eating base don your eye color.
    Green eyed people should eat..uh..veggies more because they are green! Brown eyed people eat meat because cows and cooked steak are brown. Blue eyed people eat only blueberries for the rest of their lives.

    Nailed it.

    Concept is junk, book is junk, author is a fraud.