Reached an all-time high weight....

healthyw84me Posts: 12 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
And an all-time low self-esteem. I am hoping having a community and tools that encourage me to track food and exercise will finally get me in gear. Knowing better doesn't seem to matter. A recent health scare did not seem to matter. What will it take to get me moving in the right direction? What did it take for you?


  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    discovering couch to 5k, finding this site, and booking a trekking holiday

    I didn't really make a conscious decision to lose weight, I just started trying to get fit for my holiday, then a few fb friends invited me to a weight loss/fitness support group on fb, which pointed me here. When I started planning on logging my food, I thought, why not do it properly?
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428 These little articles are what fueled my engine to stop eating what i had been all my life! not to mention i have poor self-esteem... but you should really read these, this guy, is a genious!!! i have his book "cook this, not that 350 calorie meals" and its wonderful!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    This site is GREAT for keeping up motivation. I hope you find what you're looking for. Feel free to friend me!
  • lorisowers
    lorisowers Posts: 64
    You have come to the right place. I have gotten so much support from the people here at MFP
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Starting on the right path started with my new job. I work as a security officer with a uniform that should look good on me... but when I put it on all I can see is my "curves" seeping in all directions... I want and need to feel better all around. I have been in the gym everyday since and will have my first weigh in this weekend. I found this site where everyone is supportive and its kept me going so far and I believe it will be for the long haul this time. ^_^ keep your head up and make sure to add people to your friends list, they are true assets!
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome! I think together we are stronger. :-)
  • mynanarocks
    mynanarocks Posts: 2 Member
    I can completely relate to what you said... not my father's death from a diet/weight related issue, not a number on the scale, not the looks from people at restuarants or when I board a plane or a health scare two years ago motivated me to do anything about my weight. Then, six weeks ago, I looked in the mirror - like I'd done a thousand times before - but this time I wasn't looking at my size, but at my face, and the question came to me - What happened to me? Not the size 6 woman, but the woman I used to be... the headstrong and take charge woman I use to be. After a few days of contemplating that question, I had a moment of clarity ... she's still here, but she's tired all the time, she's hiding from the world because she doesn't like herself ... It was in this same time frame that my daughter-in-law told me about this site, and so the first phase of taking my life back and being ME again began.

    Remember: The first step is the hardest!! Feel free to friend me, if you like.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    There was no big epiphany for me. I joined this site around about this time last year and half-heartedly logged food and exercise. Then in September last year, I decided that was it! I needed to lose the weight, eat better, drink less alcohol and do some more exercise!

    It just happened.

    At first, I didn't have any friends, thought I could do it by myself, but I joined a simple, 2 week challenge (Postcard Challenge, which I still participate in) and made a friend. Chances are, unless I win £1million+ on the lottery, I'll never meet any of the friends I have on here but that's not the point. They are motivating and inspiring.

    I've hit a wall, at this moment. I'm up and down, weight-wise, but I'm ABSOLUTELY determined to be a healthier weight (oh to be 'normal').

    It's a long time coming but you will get there!!!!! Just remember if you have one 'bad' day, you can always have a good week!!!!

  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    I joined after reaching my all-time high weight too.. I gained about 10 pounds a year for 5 years and did nothing about it. I just couldn't do another year.
  • healthyw84me
    healthyw84me Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and positive vibes! I am off to a rocky start but I really think this, a supportive community, is going to make the difference!
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I reached my all-time high weight a few weeks ago. I was close to being overweight but I managed to shed off the pounds. I'll never let that happen again. Before, I never exercised. Now, I'm working out everyday. Great motivation from people here. =]
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I knew that I was only going to lose weight when I was doing it for me. Not because my Dr. told me to. Not from a friend's encouragement. I knew that when the time was right that I would just do it.

    What's different this time? I now have my MFP friends, who struggle the same as I do, and who don't mind that I'm talking diet and exercise all of the time. And thanks to them, I have decided to start exercising. I still have a LONG way to go, but at least I've taken the first step.

    And you can, too!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm relatively new here too. I'm a firm believer in baby steps. Right now I'm focusing on HONESTLY filling out my food diary. I'm usually over on the calories, but I'm filling it out. I'm not beating myself up for being over, I'm feeling good about myself for filling in the info.

    Make some friends here who will support you. I'll send you a friend request.
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