I think I've got it all wrong!!!

wongsuzy Posts: 12
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi I joined MFP in March and in the first week I lost 3lbs Yeh. Since then my weight has remained the same. I am 58 yrs old, I'm 5'8" tall, my starting weight was 238, my current weight is 235. My goal weight is 170ish. I put my lifestyle as sedentary so MFP gave me 1630 cals to eat. I have no problem eating healthy food and I drink between 2 and 3 litres of water per day. I walk on the treadmill and outside and swim occasionally.
My dilemma is this - I walk my 2 grandchildren to and from school 5 days a week, that equates to 30mins per day at 2mph. I look after my 2yr old grandson 2 days a week. I am up and down playing with him and generally moving quite a lot during the day. I also do a bit of running around for my mother and my husband's father in as much as shopping, paying bills, doctors visits etc. Should I put my lifestyle as lightly active in which case MFP would give me 1800 cals to eat? This high amount scares me a little. I eat some or all of my current exercise calories back. I hope all this has made sense and some of you can relate to my problem. I so want to lose this weight.


  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    How many calories are you currently eating? And has your activity level always been the same?
  • Zakth
    Zakth Posts: 37
    If you do not use the extra calories from exercise then it could result in your retaining weight despite being under calorie goal.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    It certainly sounds to me as though you're active, not sedentary at all!

    Congrats on starting MFP - hang in there...you *will* find that it soon starts to work! Sending you a Friend Request for when you need support and encouragement!
  • wongsuzy
    wongsuzy Posts: 12
    I eat my designated01630 cals plus exercise cals back, most of them anyway. My exercise is a bit limited because of back and knee problems but I do try to vary what I can do. I should still be losing though surely.
  • minxblack
    minxblack Posts: 40
    Don't eat ALL your exercise calories is my suggestion. I think that they choose your calories based on your age/ weight ratio and what you put down as lifestyle and exercise options so you'd lose that 1 lb a week or so. I use exercise as a way to lose more if I can so I try to NOT eat them. You sound active but I- like you- chose to use sedentary as my lifestyle. Also, change up your exercise pattern when you can. I've been holding at same weight for 4 weeks and it's killing me. I realized I had been having a tea here and there and forgetting to log it so I was actually over my calories. Now, if it passes these lips, I write it down.

    Just know that you are not alone and we are all here to support you.
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Try upping your calorie intake closer to the 1800, you might be eating too few and causing you to be "stuck". Try this for a week or two and see if it solves the problem. Also instead of watching ONLY weight, try and take your measurements once per week as well and see if you are losing inches and gaining muscle. And if in the two weeks that doesn't work we can see about other options, but those are your best bet first ^_^
  • minxblack
    minxblack Posts: 40
    Also, I've noticed it takes 2 weeks for your body to get used to what you're doing and accept the changes. I didn't lose for almost 3 then it came off quick, now its stopped again and hopefully startiong back soon. I refer to it as a reset time so I don't lose it!
  • If you change your setting to lightly active, which I think you probably should do, I wouldn't log the 30 minute walks, as they will be factored into your daily calorie amount. I'm pretty active during the day but I set my activity level as sedentary just so I could log all my exercise and feel smug!
  • wongsuzy
    wongsuzy Posts: 12
    Thanks guys. I think I might change my lifestyle to lightly active and give the 1800 cals a go for 2 weeks. I wish I could up my exercise but I am a bit restricted. I try to push a little harder or faster each time. Only time will tell. I may be back on in 2 weeks relating my new drama HaHa
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    ^_^ Let us know, we'll be here for you. Also one thing you could look into as well if you have issues with your back and knees is possibly going to the gym, they have a machine that you can sit and and its kind of like a bicycle but for your arms, and you pedal that way. Sometimes that is helpful when the other options don't work as well. Good luck and we definitely hope to see you soon!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Also, I've noticed it takes 2 weeks for your body to get used to what you're doing and accept the changes. I didn't lose for almost 3 then it came off quick, now its stopped again and hopefully startiong back soon. I refer to it as a reset time so I don't lose it!

    For some it can take up to 6 weeks,sucks but its true.
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