Insanity - how much to eat?

Ok, so I'm doing insanity. I've been using mfp's goal and tracking system. I looked on the nutrition sheet that Insanity coaches recommend, and now I'm confused. Mfp says to eat 1200 cal PLUS whatever calories I burnt during the workout. Insanity nutrition guide says to eat 1200 cals. Full stop. No more eating exercise calories back. Which one should I go for?


  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    Insanity! I have placed myself in a pickle by eating back some of my calories. You don't want to do that. You burn them... let 'em burn and move on! You will see the weight fall off! how do you like Insanity? I was thinking about giving it a try.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    It's awsome! It will get everything you've got out of you. You will want to die, you will be barely alive when you finish, and then you will be looking forward to doing it again. I've been doing it for over a week - on and off, but starting properly tomorrow. I havent lost any weight, but I feel so much stronger, I'm more toned and flexible. I absolutely love it. Give it a go!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Search the forum. TONS and TONS of threads about this.

    I eat mine back consistently and have lost an average of 2 lbs./week since starting. Still losing at that rate over 4 months in. You might just put your metabolism to sleep if you don't. Then you will REALLY be kicking yourself.

    Whatever you choose, good luck!
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I think it depends on the exercise you do. Bear in mind that MFP is not hugely accurate with the calories burnt during exercise and it will often be an overestimation. I would say that if you are doing low intensity exercise (eg walking, swimming), it's not vital to eat back the calories. But if you are doing a high intensity workout, or anything involving weights, it will be important to eat back at least some of the calories so that your body can repair itself.
  • ladysquires
    I think you must be reading the Insanity nutrition guide wrong. You will burn about 300-600 calories doing an Insanity workout, which would be that your body would be trying to subsist on 600-900 calories a day. That's actually pretty dangerous.

    I am 5 foot nothing and weigh 138 lbs and the calorie total I calculated using the nutrition guide was 1890.

    You might ask on the Beachbody forums if you're still confused after doing the calculations.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Are you sure that you've calculated the calories from Insanity's nutrition guide correctly? Most people, myself included, find that using their guide shows that you should actually be eating a lot more than mfp suggests due to how hard this workout is.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    I think you must be reading the Insanity nutrition guide wrong. You will burn about 300-600 calories doing an Insanity workout, which would be that your body would be trying to subsist on 600-900 calories a day. That's actually pretty dangerous.

    I am 5 foot nothing and weigh 138 lbs and the calorie total I calculated using the nutrition guide was 1890.

    You might ask on the Beachbody forums if you're still confused after doing the calculations.
    Well, mine is 1720, and then you are meant to substract your 500 cals deficit from it. thats 1220 cal a day. that is exactly it had me wondering. :grumble:
  • ladysquires
    Would you be willing to post your calculations here so that we can see how you're getting to that number?