Happy Mother's Day

RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
Here's a Thread that you can post memories/stories of your Mom or being a Mom or Impending Motherhood. I have several moments to share.

My Mom was not one of those "Wait 'til your father gets home" kind of Mom's. She dispensed justice on the spot. This was the 50's and 60's. Dr. Spock was yet to be heard from. Corporeal punishment was not unheard of. My mother would spank us with my father's belt. But first, there was a bit of psychological warfare. She would go to the closet, get the belt, fold it in half and snap it as she came back down the hall. I always took my punishment. I never ran. That was a very bad idea. I recall one time that my sister, Darla, ran out the back door when Mom went for the belt. She knew Mom couldn't get her down from the tree in the backyard. She underestimated my Mother. Mom went back inside, got a kitchen chair and a book. She sat at the base of that tree for hours. Darla had to eventually come down. It wasn't pretty.


  • monkeydoodle
    monkeydoodle Posts: 44 Member
    :heart: I have the absolute BEST mama in the world. She has always been there for me even when I don't know why she didn't throw me away.:devil: I gave my parents a very bad time as a teen. But, it is funny how God moves sometimes. My parents are both disabled now. So, I spend every day with them. My family has lived with them for almost 5 years now. And you know what?......I wouldn't have it any other way.:smooched:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    @RD - I knew you were my lost brother...

    My mom used to hang the belt around her neck. Her and my dad's weapon of choice was one of my dad's Army web belts. I didn't get all the whipping's I deserved but I got a ton of them.

    Too many stories... Living through the 50's, 60's, and 70's under my parent's 'guidance' made a better man outta me to be sure.
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I also have a great Mom. she has been nothing but the best to us. She was a single parent but she made it work! We knew we were loved. And now she's the best Nana to my girls. She is just a joy to be with!
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    I got a lot of "wait till your dad gets home" But my mom wasn't afraid of using a wooden spoon!! God bless her for raising 3 boys and 1 girl! I'm glad I grew up when kids actually respected adults!! :)
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    @RD - I knew you were my lost brother...

    My mom used to hang the belt around her neck. Her and my dad's weapon of choice was one of my dad's Army web belts. I didn't get all the whipping's I deserved but I got a ton of them.

    Too many stories... Living through the 50's, 60's, and 70's under my parent's 'guidance' made a better man outta me to be sure.

    Yep. It's funny, because I was scared to death of my Father. Yet, I don't believe he ever spanked me. My Mother, on the other hand, could wield the belt like a Samarai Warrior. She'd get you by one hand and run you in a circle as she spanked you. Like a horse trainer. I knew she wanted tears, so I usually let loose on the 1st back swing.
  • cgcotten
    cgcotten Posts: 51
    My Mom is the absolute BEST Mom ever!! She has always been there for us
    and the fact that she got out of the car and participated in our activities as children
    means so much to me even after all these years!! She has encouraged me
    my entire life and still continues to do so to this day. I love her so much and
    can't thank her enough for everything she has done for me in my life.

    I love you Orlene Garner!!
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    I love my Mom more than words can describe. We have such a close relationship even though she lives a thousand miles away. No matter how old I am or where I am, I can always count on her for guidance and wisdom. She has such a loving heart and I couldn't ask for a better mom. Now that I'm a mom, I only pray that I turn out to be like her. My kids call her Mamaw and she has so much fun with them, especially with my youngest (2 years old). I wish that we lived closer to them, and with lots of prayer and patience, I'm hoping God makes that happen. Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    My mom was amazing.raising 10 children on 1 salary.The food she would whip up.We learned resposiblity at a young age and knew what disciple was.I became a big sister immediately and became the 2nd mom as I was the oldest.
    Growing up in a large family in the 50`s was not dull.
    Praise and bless my mom.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    @RD - I knew you were my lost brother...

    My mom used to hang the belt around her neck. Her and my dad's weapon of choice was one of my dad's Army web belts. I didn't get all the whipping's I deserved but I got a ton of them.

    Too many stories... Living through the 50's, 60's, and 70's under my parent's 'guidance' made a better man outta me to be sure.

    Yep. It's funny, because I was scared to death of my Father. Yet, I don't believe he ever spanked me. My Mother, on the other hand, could wield the belt like a Samarai Warrior. She'd get you by one hand and run you in a circle as she spanked you. Like a horse trainer. I knew she wanted tears, so I usually let loose on the 1st back swing.

    Again - Ditto. We ran in circles (too funny now). We cried when the other one was getting beat. Like the guy in the basement in the corner at the end of Blair Witch I guess.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Oh thank you for posting this, RoadDog!! What a great way to kick off Mother's Day weekend :)

    This will probably make me tear up (which is okay because you can't see me..lol)

    One day out of the blue...My daughter came up to me and asked me how I learned how to be the greatest mother ever. I smiled and said, Well, I learned from the best.

    When we went to visit my mom for dinner like a week later, my daughter ran up to her and said, "Oh Thank You, Mom-Mom...Thank you for being the best mom to my mom so she can be the best mom to me"...My mom started crying right there on the spot :)

    A few highlights along my journey:

    -Meeting my daughter (who is not biologically mine) and her falling asleep in my arms for the first time.
    -Having my son...I didnt believe anyone who told me you could be in so much pain but be so happy at the same time and that there was no other feeling like having a baby...They were right
    -Teaching my daughter to read..and having her read things to me..she read the Frozen Foods sign at the grocery store and I almost cried
    -Riding in the car with my daughter who casually asks questions that are so random and realizing I did the SAME EXACT THING to my mother when I was 4 and 5 : )
    -My son saying Ma-Ma for the first time
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    hmmmmmmm well not really having one, maybe has turned me into a super mom? Yes my son is my world. I'm a better person because of him.
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    I will never forget the moments while in the hospital with each of my boys and having them lay on my chest, lift their head, and gaze longingly into my eyes. I truely didn't know what unconditional love met until that first moment with my oldest, and again with my youngest. I wouldn't give them up for the world! They are my light & my life... even though sometimes I'd like to hang them from the tree by their pinky toes! :laugh:

    EXACTLY...I have a 16 yr old, a 13yr old and a 2 yr old...the 2 yr old reminds me why I had kids because the 16 yr old is lucky I haven't killed her and buried her in the backyard yet (j/k sort of):embarassed:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I love to cook. The first thing I ever attempted on my own was a pie. Don't ask me how I thought I could pull this off at 9, but I was fearless. Came up with some kind of dough, lined a pan with it; made some kind of pudding (Jello Chocolate, I think) put it in the uncooked dough shell. Baked it. Tried to make some kind of whipped cream topping. All in all it was a total disaster. I wanted to present it to my Mom for her birthday. It was totally inedible, even I knew that when I tasted it.

    My mom told me she loved it. I didn;t even get in trouble for the mess I left in the kitchen. And my little brother assured me that Mom would kill me when she saw what I had done to the kitchen.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Damn you RoadDog! I love you man!!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    it isn't Mothers Day here, but I will join in any way if that is ok.

    I lost my Mum to breast cancer just after Christmas on the 3rd January 2003, I miss her every day, i miss telling her things, the significant things that happen in mine and the Children's lives. The fist time I really realised how much i would miss her was about a month after she died. I had taken all three children to the dentist who was very pleased with them and gave us the news that my middle daughters braces could come off, as we drove up the road I said 'oh when we get home I will have to phone nanny and tell her our great news....' then it struck me that I would never be able to tell her any of my news ever again. I had to pull the car over and sobbed and sobbed for the first time really since she died. cried so much it frightened the kids.

    I just wanted to say to those of you that still have your Mum's, don't EVER underestimate how much you will miss her when she is gone, NEVER miss a chance to tell her you love her, because I would give everything I own for the chance to say that one more time to my Mum. Everything,
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    As we were waiting to get the ceremony started for my 4th marriage, my Mom told me, "I love you, but I am only go to every other wedding from now on."
