Green Tea

jenpot Posts: 5
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I have been drinking 3/4 cups of green tea a day whilst dieting. I am yet to see any difference in my weight but I hear it speeds up metabolism! I do not drink 'normal' hot drinks i.e. tea and coffee anymore (which have milk and sugar added), I prefer my green tea...not sure if anybody else has been drinking this and is finding any health/weight loss benefits?


  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    I make one glass (8 oz) of Stash brand green tea (with or without caffeine...depends on when I drink it) each day. I don't know if it helps my metabolism or not, but I'm losing weight. :)

    I also drink decaf black tea as well when I am out at dinner or something - that way I'm not tempted to get a drink or anything else, and I don't have to drink just water. Since I've quit soda, I actually enjoy the taste of plain tea with no sweetener.

    Even if the occasional tea doesn't help me lose weight, I know that it has healthful properties anyway - so I'm good with drinking it!
  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    I am not a big fan of green tea. I like orange pekoe (black tea, which is essentially green tea with "aged" leaves) and notice it helps me in more ways than the green tea. Not so much for weight loss, but it just makes me feel better. Are you putting a ton of sugar in your tea (I think I read you had it without..)? I wouldn't rely on just a beverage to aid in weight loss. Eating right and exercise are your best bet over tea.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I drink green tea pretty often, but I like it over most other teas. I am not sure if it has helped my weight loss, but I am certain it has not hindered it. If nothing else, it is a cup of water. I am pretty sure there is also some benefit to drinking warm drinks, as far as digestion goes.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Green tea is great for an afternoon boost in energy, but it's not really going to do anything for fat loss. It is an anti-oxidant and great for over all health.
  • MsCracker
    MsCracker Posts: 47 Member
    I can literally drink a gallon of Lipton diet green tea a day. I didn't care if it helped with anything. I just liked the taste. Now I don't know if it can count it as water since it's 0 calories. I've heard both ways. I'm too new here to notice if it helped my metabolism. I'll be seriously watching this thread for some answers!
  • jenpot
    jenpot Posts: 5
    No I don't drink my normal tea with sugar carlfry, but I have one in coffee - though I have cut that out now.

    It is strange because I used to hate green tea aswell, but I find it quite refreshing and enjoy having it after my meals - I have a cup for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus it fills you up a bit more.

    However, when I added green tea into my foods it came up as being 2 calories and I thought it was 0 calories - ahh well 2 good calories I suppose!!!

    Thanks for all the responses, really helpful and informative :)
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    green tea is really healthy. the antioxidants make it amazing for you, and drinking lots does not make you sketchy like drinking coffee does. There was been speculation of weight loss but i am not 100% sold on that.

    here is some basic green tea info.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    i've read it boosts your metabolism and can help you burn an additional 50 calories per day. I drink it all day long, and have lost 5 lbs., but i would give credit to my food diary and exercise before i would say the green tea had any part in that.

    If it did help, it is probably because i switched out the black sweetened tea i was drinking all day long with unsweetened iced green tea. Also read that drinking ice cold beverages helps your metabolism as well....
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