First Yoga Experience Tomorrow Morning

So, I'm doing my first Yoga class tomorrow at this studio in Soho. It got a lot of press in the NY Times and the instructors are supposed to be the "coolest", unlike many uptight hardcore Yoga studios in NYC. I'm looking forward to it and I'm hoping it can help me with my flexibility (with time) and maybe become less prone to joint injuries.

Anyone want to share their first Yoga experience with me so I know what to expect?


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well it's been awhile since my first yoga experience but I seem to re-start it every couple years.

    Best piece of advice is it is okay to do the modified poses as you will most not likely get to the full pose for the first couple times. Also try having a little extra room if you don't have the best balance, not fun to tip over into the person next to you.
    And last but not least, ummm take a gasx at least an hour before. I know that sounds strange but if you are eating a higher fiber diet your stomach will be pushed in ways that it probably hasn't before ...
  • wayfaringarchivist
    I started out with a video actually and I couldn't believe how in less than a month a tendon behind my knee that had always been a bother was suddenly fine! I eventually moved on to studio yoga and now I'm in love with hot yoga because I feel like I get more out of my practice that way and the feeling of walking out of a hot studio afterward is euphoric. And it's through hot yoga that I've been able to manage my upper back pain. And your flexibility does change with time--it's fantastic!