The Weekend

yenohamk Posts: 117
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Just got a message from one of my lovely MFPs, and it got me thinking: we shouldn't have to differentiate between the weekend and the week. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are days, just like the others in the week. We give them too much power, and ourselves too little control when we say "Uh oh! The weekend's coming. I hope I do good!" yet it seems so much easier for us to control ourselves during the week. I know alcohol and yummy desserts at nice restaurants and parties with full-fat foods and kids wanting their kids' meals can cause us to second guess ourselves, but all we need to do is PLAN and IMPROVISE! That salad that they douse with house dressing? "On the side, please!!" Ask about EVERYTHING that comes on your plate. Exercise so that you don't have to compromise if you don't want to! And then Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be just like all those other ones. I hope. Maybe it's too easy for me because I'm a single social drinker with no kids and no social life, :laugh:


  • aquanet2
    aquanet2 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for that inspiring message. It is Friday, and just a bit ago I was thinking, Oh I hope I be good this weekend. I would like a couple drinks tonight, but I don't want to blow it. But you are right. I will do my exercise when I get off work then won't feel so guilty if I enjoy myself this weekend!
  • bmmiller4
    bmmiller4 Posts: 39
    I think weekends used to be harder for me because that is when I was home and food was readily available. When I worked outside the home I couldn't just go to the pantry and grab something to eat. Then the weekend would come and I would makeup for lost time. Now that I am a SAHM it is all right there and I can grab it anytime. In a way that makes it easier...I can have it "any time I want" so I can moderate it more and not binge on it. I also know me and I am not really good at moderation so I simply stopped buying a lot of that stuff (my DH is not all that happy about it either) :tongue:
  • seespi
    seespi Posts: 10
    You are so right, we treat these weekend days as if they are an excuse to eat badly and I am tired of thinking that way. Even though I know we will be having a bbq I have decided I will only eat half of what I used to eat at bbq's. Plus I know I'm going to the bar night so I will be going to the gym in the morning to help make up for those extra calories when drinking. Or maybe some straight shots won't make me feel so guilty. All in all I am prepared for this weekend and plan to keep my head in the game. Thanks for the inspiring message, its perfect for the start of the weekend;)
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    For those who work M-F the weekend is a GIFT! And while I look forward to my weekends, I don't use them as an excuse to go wild lol. I try to go to the gym early on sat & sun to beat the crowds. It's actually better because I don't have to rush and can usually get in a two-hour workout. Then I can enjoy my weekend guilt-free spending time around food without the fear that I will go overboard on calories and fat.

    yenohamk wrote>>"Exercise so that you don't have to compromise"
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