Drinking your calories



  • amazing_grace♥
    So I was just wondering who else forgets to add their drinking calories?!?! Every Friday my husband and I give ourselves a "treat" and gets a drink at our local cafe. I've been more diligent about putting everything in my food diary and realized that I hadn't been putting in every drink. :blushing: Oopps. and HOLY CRAP some of those drinks take up 1/3 of my calories for the day. Anyone else have this problem? I should probably either get the "skinny" or just not do it at all. :sad:

    In the beginning I would forget, but when you get used to logging EVERYTHING that you are eating or drinking, you will begin to remember. Also, on days when I know I'm going to go out with a friend for a drink, I'm sure to exercise just a little more so that I can "earn" some extra calories. :drinker:
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    I have a category just for drinks. I say log them because if/when you hit a plateau you won't be surprised. Also, it is OK to go over in calories every once in a while. I give myself 1 day a week where I expect to go over in calories - and do about 50% of the time (the other 50% that I don't is usually because I got a wild hair up my bum and did a double workout on a Saturday!).

    As long as you are working out hard you deserve a "cheat" day.
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    I try to count my drinks, but it is annoying, so unless it is a bottle of something with the calories on the back I usually skip it.

    As far as coffee goes, I usually treat myself once or twice a week as well. I get a medium skinny sugar-free vanilla latte (sounds fancy, huh?) Not as good as the non sugar-free, but I find with a packet of Splenda it tastes just about the same! (with a lot less sugar and calories!)

    But, I also think, if it's something you really enjoy...go for it! And make up for the calories somewhere else.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Yes, I add all my drinking calories. Mine usually come from coffee, latte's, espresso's, oh my!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i dount count my coffee cos everyone starts telling my i drink too much when i put it in my diary.
    I try and leave a little room for the stuff i dont add, and im trying to not be as obsessive about it anyway.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I absolutely list any drinks I've had that have calories in them. Otherwise, you really aren't going to be accurate in you diary, and it kinda defeats the purpose to think that you have enough room in your day for 10 chicken wings (b/c you didn't add your beer), when you really only have room for 5 wings and one beer (for ex).

    Unfort. alcohol has TONS of empty calories, and I've noticed that whenever I do have a drink, it wrecks my whole day for cal/nutrition. But, such is life! I'll still want a cocktail every once and while, after all!