Having issues losing the weight I've so far gained on exchan

I'm on exchange in Spain at the moment, and have been here for almost 4 months now. Before coming here, I was a vegetarian, and my weight hovered between 59-63 kilos. I was active, I suppose, but unintentionally (ie. as a result of my job, and going out a lot, I rarely actually set myself to exercising).

About 2 months after getting here, I noticed I had gained a little bit of weight, most likely due to a few diet changes: now drinking full cream milk (but drinking much less milk than before), now eating meat again, desserts now after lunch and dinner (although sometimes that's just fruit), and chocolate to deal with homesickness.

So, I decided to start going for walks, and have steadily built that up to 90 minute walks at least 5 times a week. I have stopped buying chocolate, although still eat it occasionally, have started eating much less meat and now only eat dessert if it's fruit. However, even with all these changes, I've only managed to lose a little bit of weight (a few weeks ago I was hovering around 69, and now I'm on 67, but can't seem to lose any more).

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? I feel really awkward being bigger, especially with Summer fast on its way, which will mean 3 months mostly spent at the pool. I know it's normal to put on a bit of weight on exchange, but with all the steps I've taken to lose it, I feel like I should be seeing more improvement.

Please help, this sort of thing really doesn't help me cope with other emotional aspects of my exchange experience. Thanks, and good luck to my fellow weight-losers! :)


  • Vamakshi
    Vamakshi Posts: 10 Member
    I feel your pain and i can say i'm in your shoes right now. I'm on my exchange in USA and my diet has changed totally.
    But over a course of few months i have found the foods that have less calories. Make it a habbit to check the labels and keep track of how many calories you eat. And to try and do some physical activity atleast 30 minutes a day.
    i've been doing that, and my weight has been constant.
    Though, i want to loose weight, and i'm trying hard, but i see no result. If you see progress, can you tell me too?
    But i do know that when i go back to my home country, i'll be back to my regular diet and that way weight loss would be easy, because all our lives, our bodies have been used to our staple diet.. so it is hard, i guess?

    Good Luck :)