Fustrated...Concerned...Time to VENT!

SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
I know this is not relating to "losing weight" but I'm tired of asking my husband, his mom, and siblings why my brother in law is on drugs and posting crazy things on facebook. They seem to always say the same things like "oh yeah its his wife" or "Hes hanging out with this certain individual" but I mean reallly? Do they sit there and make him do drugs? I doubt it. I know he's been off and on supposidly "prescription pills" but I honestly think its crack because he does some insane things like...

1) Yell at music videos on tv
2) Asks for money ALL the time
3) Being religious whether he thinks hes God or an immortal being
4) Flicking off his 12 year old niece

I mean really?? Shes just a KID, get a clue and get some help. I've asked his mom and she blames it on his wife, and his dad just feels guilty for leaving his mom so he just sends him money. If they care enough they wouldn't send him money, instead they should send him to a treatment facility. What is even worse is that they have a son who has autisim and who is very mean because of those idiot parents Im related to by marriage. UGH the only person that has really confronted him is his half sister which has told him he needed to get help. He just keeps on posting crazy pictures of the world ending, charlie sheen, even said racial things like the "n" word....I was soo disgusted by this and reported it on facebook but he goes and says hes not racist. All I know is that I keep my kids away from that crap and my husband knows that his brother needs help. Its just a cycle of abuse and everyone is in DENIAL. I just don't know what else to do but to pray for him and the situation. He definitely needs a wake up call and I just had to vent because I'm tired of seeing it!

Okay besides that Im having a GREAT Friday, I hope everyone has a wonderful Mothers Day weekend :)


  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    um delete and block him on facebook. I've done that with people. That way you don't have to see it. Keep your kids far away. I have done that with certain members of my husband's family and they finally got the hint. Good luck!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    ^ ^ This.