Hardees Defeated me...

miwakokeitaro Posts: 12
edited September 27 in Chit-Chat
ive been dieting successfully for a little over a week. i drove buy hardees and.... Their sour dough burger.... Small combo... A Chicken wrap.. Omg. Before i knew it i was in the drive though spending nine dollars. :(( it wasnt even as good as i remembered it. I shoulda ate an apple. :\ better luck next time!


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Well we all fall off the wagon from time to time. You just have to make sure you get back the next day!!
  • ktblueyz
    ktblueyz Posts: 72
    lol I did the same thing last night. been eating very healthy and feeling good about myself and then i dcided to make cookies and eat them relentlessly :( oh well lol
  • scraig77
    scraig77 Posts: 14 Member
    It is ok to splurge as long as you don't make it a habit. Just get back on track tomorrow
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Get back on it the very next meal. Hardees did not defeat you.....it just tripped you up a bit. :happy:
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I hate it when you splurge and it doesn't taste as good as you remember . . .

    Then again, maybe that's the reason I am now able to drive by McDonald's and not want to stop EVERY time!

    Remember what it tasted like today -- this will help you resist in the future!

    Good luck!
  • Sandikh
    Sandikh Posts: 116
    I have made it a point to 'research" restaurants online and look for the best options they may have on their menu. That way, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to 'run through a drive thru' - you are already armed with the knowledge of what will be the least detrimental items on the menu. WE ALL have moments - the key is to just acknowledge it and move on. One meal doesn't change anything. Just eat the rest of them healthy. It's about finding a happy medium and enjoying A LITTLE bit of everything in life..!
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    I think it's important to let yourself go every once in a while so that you won't have days where you want to eat everything bad for you insight! No worries about today! Make tomorrow better!! =D
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I think it was a good thing, not being as good as you remembered will make you crave it less in the future. Since I started dieting I have done a few road trips and unfortunantly Im a Wendys addict but one bad batch of spicy asian boneless wings and I dont crave them weekly anymore
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I had pizza from Little Caesars last night! 2 slices of pizza, soda, and several bread sticks and I ended up doubling my alloted calories! It was an emotional day, and I needed my "comfort food". Today was much better but not perfect... oh well. :ohwell:
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