Carmen Electra?

Has anyone ever tried the Carmen Electra Aerobic Striptease DVDs? I have the first one at home and have done it exactly one time (the day I bought it 5 years ago). I do remember feeling muscles in places I didn't think I had them lol. But I was wondering if anyone has done it and seen results...

Thanks all!


  • khearne0819
    If you want to try a good workout DVD i suggest Billy Blanks Taebo. It burns major calories and i did it everyday for a week and ate healthy and lost 8 pounds. Also, i have never been more sore the day after a workout in my life after doing that workout video. Its about 55 min long and well worth it.
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    OMGOSH im super intrigued now. I wanna find a video and do it!!!
  • DeKreyzisfitness
    I have a friend that used this video several times a week and she saw results. She also used other aerobics videos. I personally find it difficult to follow videos but it is exercise so I suppose it could work for you! :) Anything is better than nothing.
  • khearne0819
    TAOBO is the way to go :) im promise!
  • jenellelastchance
    i got it just for fun.... it is not a very good workout. its just to slow for me. I could do the whole thing and not break a sweat. If your looking for a laugh its pretty funny to see yourself doing it but if your really trying to get a good workout prob not the best video. Hope this helps!
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    Ooooh yes I did a Taebo video, regularly, about ten years ago and I dropped several dress sizes!
    Man, I feel old.
  • jcfisk1
    jcfisk1 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the Taebo videos. I haven't personally tried them, but have heard from several people that it is a great workout! A friend and I have been doing P90X off and on and it burns up to 500 calories in 50 minutes, depending on which workout you do on that particular set. We also have joined Zumba classes, which are a lot of fun, and also burn 450 calories or so in 1 hour. (I know this because we both invested in heart rate band and watch sets, which tell you the calories you burned...well worth the investment!) Any kind of exercise is good...and I think a variety of different things, ie...walking, videos, classes, bike riding...keeps thing from getting boring! The video you're talking about sounds pretty interesting and fun! Good luck on your journey! :happy:
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks all... I have a Tae Bo DVD I will be doing pretty regularly, I just was hoping the Striptease workout would be a good alternative... Oh well, I do love me some Billy Blanks :happy:

  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    I am actually starting back dieting but I used to use the Carmen Electra DVDs regularly and found the 2nd one, Fit to Strip, is really good for a well rounded workout. (Probably because I have no rhythm and it doesn't actually have any dancing). The others are right, the other DVDs are great for a good laugh at yourself though!