Just introducing myself cos Im a newbie :)

I am so excited to have found this site - its perfect! I have had severe depression and anxiety after an assult a few years ago andin the distress that followed (plus the medications I was prescribed) I piled on the pounds. As the depression is lifting and my anxiety is more under control I am finally able to get a grip back with making healthy eating choices and getting back to exercising. Its been a painful road but I feel so motivated now about getting fit and loosing the weight and then to find this site its great!!!

Iv borrowed an exercise bike and plan on an hour a day - whilst watching distracting youtube clips and dvds etc. I worry that its not enough exercise as I go at a pretty steady pace. Hope to buy a bike soon to commute so that will be a real achievement for me to be able to regulary do that.

The pain and irony is that I used to dance and was involved in plenty of sports and activities until I sort of 'broke' and spirelled downhill. I am really liking this site though and think its definatly going to help maintain the weightloss and exercise. Its not easy to face up to the cold hard facts when they are presented on the scales!!! It is hard to imagine its possible to really shift the weight I have never had to loose weight before and I find it hard to trust that I actually can do it.

Anyway thats kind of where I am at. Im being honest as I need to face up to the reality of the weight gain and really work hard at sticking to working it off and eating well. I am 94kg which is 207lbs and hope to get to 60kg (I think...?) That gets me comfortably within the healthy bmi scale. I have no idea how long that will take. I guess its taken a while to pile on - I hope its not as long to skim off!!! :)

Thanks for reading. I would love to hear your tips at how you have kept at it and how long it took you to start noticing a difference in your weight and health. Cheers :)


  • sandralina
    sandralina Posts: 126 Member
    I'm only about 10-hours-old on this site myself, but I've already found the community to be an incredibly supportive one, while still having the tools at your disposal to help with the weight loss. Welcome to MFP from a fellow newbie. I'm so sorry to hear of the trouble you've gone through, and I'm glad that you're getting the strength to stand back on your feet. You're worth it, and never forget it!
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Some tips for whats its worth.

    The little changes will make a Big Diff........ so the bike while watching TV etc is GREAT !
    Be truthful with what you put in..... dont get fixed on HAVE TO BE UNDER..... be true to your self.
    Treat your self now and then.
    There are lots of great people on the site who will be only to happy to help and support..... just random pic a few and Friend them. Support each other

    Last tip...............try not to get weighed every day...................... once a week is enough

    If you want to Friend me no problem.

    Good Luck !