Starting to believe I'm not meant to lose weight...



  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    Sounds to me like you need a new scale! I wish I had the time, let alone the energy to work out like you do! :smile: Good for you!
  • afirecracker4
    afirecracker4 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel your pain. Yes I totally agree that 2000 calories is entirely too much. I am 4'11-1/2" and my weight ranges from 128 to 138 range since i hit 40 years old.

    When I was younger I could eat 2000 calories a day and exercise 3 hours a week high impact aerobics and maintain!!!!!!
    Now at 46 years if I eat 2000 calories a day you better believe I'd be gaining weight.

    Currently I exercise 4-5 days a week 1 hour each, am pretty active on off days, shopping running errands, my feet always hurt from so much walking. I am staying between 800-1200 calories a day and I have seen the scale go from 138 to 131.8 in three months. This is rediculous!!! In my thirties I'd be a rail working this hard.

    I am doing some serious weight training three days a week so hopefully I am losing more in size than weight, but I am still in a size 10 which is now getting a little loose. I started in a tight fitting size 10 in Feb.

    I am so close to throwing in the towel but I can see the fat coming off my legs!!!! I just need it to come off the mid section so I can go down a size in my clothes back to the 8's.

    Don't give up, I am amazed that there are 5' women in the world struggling like I am, please share your stories like what you do to maintain, exercise program, age etc. I do think something is wrong with me but I have gotten all numbers great on my physical, seen an endocrinologists and found I am a little insulin resistant. This makes me crave crave sugar, but that is under control i do still eat a little dove dark choc bites hear and there, but watching my cal's constantly!!!!!!!
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    I have tried taking my calories down but when I do, I am wanting to eat my arm off starving. I'm just starting to wonder if it's all worth it, that's all. I'm working so hard but getting no where. It feels like I'm on a treadmill trying to run a marathon...
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Its definitely not easy if you're on limited calories but you learn to eat well. LOTS of vegetables, filling but very few calories. Lean protein, protein fills you for far longer. Avoid white bread, rice and pasta, theyre already heavily processed which means your body has little work to do to digest will feel hungry very soon after eating processed foods.

    You must have a lot of patience to be still at it a year later so i'd suggest dropping to 1700, its not a huge drop but should allow for a half pound a week loss. Give it 8 weeks minimum. Keep boiled eggs on hand as snacks, the whites are only around 17 calories and pack a protein punch, be adventurous with veg. Broccoli, cauliflower and green beans are my favourite. boil, strain and toss them in olive oil seasoned with cayenne, garlic and black pepper. Strong cheese sprinkled on them works too (watch the amount of oil or cheese tho!)

    I can't say its fun, its not and I know its for life :grumble: so I make nothing off limits, if i want something I will build it in or work extra calories off. There is a chocolate cake sitting in front of me (cheers son!) i'm trying to decide whether a small slice is really worth an hour on the elliptical, i'm swaying towards no.

    I really do sympathise with you, I've been there but I only waited 4 months on calories before trying the next step down...I admire your staying power so please don't even think about quitting now
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    vanfox, I sent you a friend request. I am the same way, but only after a little over a month.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Have you considered doing a 10 day ketogenic diet to see how insulin resistant you are? If you can't lose on a Keto diet then you are hard core resistant and may need to lower your calories/carbs to a much lower level. I would also suggest cutting back on your exercise during the 10 day test. Let your body rest (not be in stress/cortisol overload!). Let me know if you are interested and I will send you a link for the diet.
  • lottanorde
    lottanorde Posts: 25
    Sounds like a good plan to me, it works for me at least.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    OK I am a little confused now. Say I don't exercise then I should eat 1200 calories. If I were to exercise and earn 900 calories taking my total calories to consume to 2100 cals. Now if I were to eat all of these back at 5 foot 5 would I most likely maintain? Do I need to only eat up to 1700 say?
    Personally, and I know this is against general advice here, when I eat more than 1400 total in a day I do not lose. Often I exercise 300-400 a day, sometimes up to 700, but I do not ever consume more than 1400. Sometimes I have a net of like 700-800 calories. I discovered that I need to work like this because I hit a plateau, tried eating more and re-gained, and then tried not eating back exercise calories and have started losing again. But like I say, I think probably it is a very individual thing, as in my first 8lb of weight loss I ate back my calories and lost. I guess the body changes as we lose. I would definitely start by eating back and then if things stop working, re-evaluate.
  • afirecracker4
    afirecracker4 Posts: 5 Member
    Perhaps when we eat back the calories it has to be fibrous vegetables, not carbohydrates?

    Many here talk about you have to eat so many calories to lose weight but my body does not respond if I do this. Probably because I'm insulin resistant and this is hereditary. My doc says I'm lucky I've managed to fight my weight like this my whole life and not be severely obese.

    Yes the high protein does curb the appetite. If your starving then you probably need a lot more protein in your macros. Being insulin resistant makes it even harder.

    I know its hard, but really try to limit the sugar!!!!!!! This will make your insulin levels spiral and bring hard cravings too.
    I've eliminated bread, pasta and potatoes from my diet years ago except for a few nibbles once in a while. Yes I do cheat but only when I've really earned it.

    My biggest problem is portion control. For this, I just train my mind to not eat food anymore. I eat for survival NOT pleasure.

    I just nibble my oatmeal, protein drink, popcorn chicken bites on the run, salad and grilled tuna or chicken, my calories end up between 800-1200 / day. I think of food specifically as a fuel for the body - not something I like or deprive myself from.

    Writing this makes it sound horrid, but that is where I'm at and it is depressing. If its the only thing works for me, then I'm determined to do it.

    It's nice to see I'm not the only one struggling with this. I really enjoy reading the tips some of you have written to get through this, because just when I'm burned out and bored with my routine, I get inspired with the seasoned green bean idea!!!!!!

    Thank you all for the input and keep writing!!!!!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I have tried taking my calories down but when I do, I am wanting to eat my arm off starving. I'm just starting to wonder if it's all worth it, that's all. I'm working so hard but getting no where. It feels like I'm on a treadmill trying to run a marathon...

    Onoce you cut your calories it definitely takes a while to get use to. The first 2-3 weeks are the worst but once your stomach gets "use" to not being so full you will not be as hungry.

    Considering you are pretty active I'd go with 1500 calories a day at the very most.