Body Bug

Jbli Posts: 11 Member
Might get a Body Bug for Mother's Day...any other users??? I hear you don't need myfitnesspal anymore and I don't want to enter food in two different places. It would be interesting to see the actually calorie burn total in my day ...




  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I love my bodymediafit armband and I use both the armband tracker and MFP! Yes it can time consuming to track calories in both places but it's ok, I have nothing better to do but concentrate on losing this weight! Also, don't be surprised if you have a high calorie deficit, I have noticed that I burn a lot of calories and have had deficits as high as 3500 in a day! Even with the high deficits I am losing a steady 2lbs a week since i do have my splurge meals. The armband has helped me a great deal to learn about my body and what it is burning. Have fun!
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    My friend used the Body Bugg and dropped 10 pounds over a period of a few months (and she didn't have much to lose!). I guess it just allows you to be more accurate in how many calories you're burning. She had nothing but great things to say about it. Good luck!
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    After much research, I bought the Fitbit instead of the Bodybugg. I like the fact that I can wear this very small gadget on my bra instead of an armband. The Fitbit website is free whereas the Bodybugg charges monthly.

    I have been amazed at how many calories I actually burn (much higher than I thought). The Fitbit also monitors your sleep patterns (you wear a wrist band with the Fitbit tucked inside). I continue to log my food in on MFP because it has a greater food database, but there is a place you can put in your daily caloric intake on the Fitbit website. You may want to check out the Fitbit on the web.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    After much research, I bought the Fitbit instead of the Bodybugg. I like the fact that I can wear this very small gadget on my bra instead of an armband. The Fitbit website is free whereas the Bodybugg charges monthly.

    I have been amazed at how many calories I actually burn (much higher than I thought). You may want to check the Fitbit out on the web.

    Thank you for sharring I'm going to check it out.
  • cmisty2001
    cmisty2001 Posts: 59
    I have Body Media Fit and track food on MFP I created a food item equal to 100 calories in Body Media and use it to record the total each day from MFP. So if my total calories in MFP are 1456 then I would record 14.6 servings in body media. I have found MFP much easier to record in with a wider range of food already in the database. I like the reporting in MFP for food and export weeks out to excel to average my carbs, sodium, etc. to see how the week is going.

    For example, I have found that I really need to concentrate on finding leaner sources of protein based on the averages. Even tho' I'm doing fairly well calorie-wise, but my protein sources are still not the best day-in/day-out -- so, I'm working on it.

    body media tracks a wee bit more than fitbit, so you need to consider what information that you are trying to view. I found that when my sleep efficiency if 80% or less then i"m going to have more difficulty with my food choices for the day - if it's 90% or more then I breeze through the day. I also like the breakdown of my activity that's less than moderate, moderate, vigorous. tho' BodyBugg and BodyMedia Fit are made by the same companies - they have gone down different software paths and the BodyBugg didn't give me some information breakouts that I wanted. This additional information has made me make different choices during the day.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    After much research, I bought the Fitbit instead of the Bodybugg. I like the fact that I can wear this very small gadget on my bra instead of an armband. The Fitbit website is free whereas the Bodybugg charges monthly.

    I have been amazed at how many calories I actually burn (much higher than I thought). The Fitbit also monitors your sleep patterns (you wear a wrist band with the Fitbit tucked inside). I continue to log my food in on MFP because it has a greater food database, but there is a place you can put in your daily caloric intake on the Fitbit website. You may want to check out the Fitbit on the web.

    Susan, so besides the sleeping part, what is the difference between the fitbit and a pedometer? mine does steps, calories burned and distance walked. Maybe I am just not getting how it works???

  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    The Fitbit monitors steps, calories burned, mileage and sleep. Everytime you walk within 15 feet of your computer, it sinks the information automatically. Each time you log in to the website, it tells you all that info plus your activity graphing, eating patterns (if you log the calories in) and more detailed information based on what you are looking for.

    Two of my MFP friends have the Bodybugg and they love it. I chose the Fitbit because basically I wanted a really accurate calorie burn for the day and the sleep monitoring. I also did not want to spend over $200 on something I was going to have to wear on my upper arm (plus the watch for instant readouts). The Fitbit can be worn anywhere on your clothing and it is the size of a flashdrive. It was only $99.00. For what I was looking for, it was the right gadget.