new to message boards

denlott Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
hi just wanted to say ' my fitness pal' as an app on my phone has been the best way to keep a record of what ive have eaten in the day and week , i love the fact it can tell me the calories in what im going to eat and keep a check on what i can have during the day, it makes it easier when i go to my healthy eating meeting. i have all the info at hand.
i have been using this site in conjunction with my diet (healthy eating plan) for the last 10 days and loving it. good luck to
all who are like me spent most of our lifes trying to get happy with our weight. ive stopped using the words diet as diets dont work, if they did we would only do one. im trying healthy eating , lots of protein , smaller portions and so far in 3 weeks i have lost 6lb , which is normally what i would aim to do in one week on a very low calorie diet , but have always put the weight back on and more , so now its healthy eating ,hoping to lose those pounds a little slower so i can once and for all keep it off and keep feeling good about my self . once again good luck . dee


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I've been in the "diet" boat for years, always gaining back what I lost. I'm now in my early 30s with 3 kids and decided to change my lifestyle and eating habits for GOOD! I love MFP too..Its very user friendly, and there is tons of support here. Add me if you'd like. Welcome aboard tot he lifestyle change!!

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