can it be real?

been on mfp now since january and i love it, not as much success as i would like but as its only 10ish lbs i want to lose im guessing its going to be harder than if i had more to go.
anyhows, started a new gym 9 weeks ago so reset my ticker to tally with the gym scales & i only weigh myself on them. im training 4 times a week for an hour at a time (averaging about 350-400 calories per session).
i've just had a serious water week (LOTS more than normal) and todays weigh in had me 2kg down!! can this be real or am i to expect it to re-appear at some point? im also taking green tea supplement, could this be helping?
i dont want to start celebrating just yet but wondering if this is how im gonna lose the pounds.
would love anyones views or suggestions.


  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Drinking enough water can help your body let go of water it was holding onto, especially if you didn't drink a lot of water before. I'd say it was probably that. Congrats on the loss!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I have well over 10ish lbs., so this might not be a strong comparison, but I have been losing in spurts--3 lbs. one week, nothing for a week or two then 5 lbs. will magically disappear. Maybe your body works similarly?
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    water intake helps flush out sodium in your body, plus, as the previous poster said, it helps to convince your body to released stored water too

    make sure you drink enough - minimum of a 2ltrs a day - and hopefully the 'weight' will stay off for you

    it's really hard when you have a small amount to lose, but you will get there - after all, 2kgs is approx 4 lbs :o)
  • eelan
    eelan Posts: 3
    2 years ago before I busted my knee (and put on all the weight) I used to train 5 days a week and drank around 3.5L of water a day. It really helped me achieve results and does cleanse your body at an amazing rate.

    I´m currently on about 2-2.5L a day and trying to slowly work my way up to 3 and so forth.. I used to have a link with water to weight and height ratio I´ll see weather I can dig it up somewhere again :)
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    A note of caution though... Too much water is as bad as not enough!

    Listen to your body and establish what is right for you!
  • nikki2609
    nikki2609 Posts: 128
    thanks eelan, im drinking at least 2ltr, possibly more on the days im training. i know to quit drinking it when i physically cant stomach another glass! just wondered if the weight loss was a fluke or a one off but judging by my replys i think i know what i'll be doing now x