HRM help!

ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
Posted this somewhere else but thought maybe this forum was more appropriate...

Ok, so hubby bought me a heart rate monitor for mothers day, which is what I wanted! But he didnt know what to get so he just went with what the guy at the store recommended (and who knows if he really was just one of the big name sports retailers)
anyway, The one he got me is the Sportline 1025 womens duo dual use heart rate monitor. So I'm just not sure if I should open it and use it, or take it back and go for the Polar. I always hear good things about the polar, and the price is the same as what hubby paid for this one. Any suggestions/recommendation?


  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Everyone says Polar are best and I'm saving up for mine! It wont matter if you swop, its Mothers Day, you're allowed!! (I would!) and its not like its not a good gift, its an excellent gift and hubby is very thoughful for getting it for you!! =))
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    Check out the consumer reports on the HRM's. I wish I had done that before buying mine. I know Polar is the best but I couldn't afford it, so I bought a Oregon Scientific. I've only tried it a couple of times, but not having the best of luck with it. Give your's a try and you can always return it if you don't think it works right for you.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Do some research... if the Polar is what you wanted, and it's the same price range - just go get it! :smile:

    His goal was to make YOU happy, not the salesman.

    I've always had Polars, when I did my research before buying my first one a few years ago, it seemed to be the easiest for me to figure out - but things have changed, who knows what's out there now! This one you have could be better.... I'm still using a Polar though because that's what I know, love and have never had a problem with.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Return it and get a POlar/ THe sportsline are POS and not very good or user friendly. Most people I work with return it because they hate how it works. He will understand
  • lovinglife71
    lovinglife71 Posts: 65 Member
    I went to purchase a HRM, because I wanted my calorie count to be more accurate, mainly because, for instance....when I would walk for 60 minutes mfp would say I burned 307 cal, when I was walking in the heat of the day, on a sandy dirt rd, not on a treadmill. I just felt like I was getting so much more out of it. So I went to all the stores in my small town, I found one at Wal-mart($45), ok, got it home, it had the chest strap, but would not even connect signal to watch, that I even had it on. I took that one back, found another one at a local sports store, guy said it was accurate, sooo exicted, came home figured it out, put it on, connected with chest strap,Yay!!! On my walk, very hot that day 94 degrees, walk extra hard, it said I burned 127 calories in 60 minutes. Took it back, came home, googled, best Hrm for accurate cal burn. Two different sites had the Timex T5G971 listed as the most accurate for the money, got on ebay, purchased it ($50), came in about a week. Went straight to the gym got on two different machines, spin bike and treadmill, the calorie burn was almost exact with the machines and mfp figures. Ok, I'm ready did my grueling walk through the sand and in the heat of the day.......650 calories, I about fell out, so yes it pays to have a accurate Hrm, the websites that I googled did say that the Polar was one of the better ones, but for my budget I went with the Timex and am very pleased!!!!!! I would just make sure that whereever he purchased it at, if it doesn't work or doesn't seem accurate, u can get your money back!! Good luck!!!!
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    My husband gave me the Sportline Duo 1010 and so far it's great. I'm not an uber-athlete so it suits my purposes just fine.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input!
    midnitethree, I have also heard good things about some of the Timex ones. I'm going to do a lot more research before I exchange it!