W1d1 c25k

hi all

Started c25k today couldn't finish it I was lookin forward to it and thought it would be easy. I got to the 2nd run and could feel my pace slowing right down. I ended up only doing about 5 of the runs and walked the rest
I thought u would have no problem doing it but it was a big wake up call as to how unfit I have gone 6 years ago I could play a full 80min of rugby but now after a couple of min of running I was completely dead I was dizzy and everything.

I was wondering if any one else had proplems with it and how they overcame it to start of I have thought of maybe running 60 walking 90 and the 60 and 90 then running another 60 repeatig this and see if I can finish it that way any advice would be great

Thanks in advance


  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    I did have to walk a little more then I was suppose to. But I hurt my ankle and stopped. I need to start again. You will get stronger. Promise. DONT give up!!!!! Keep on goin and you will do it. I'm getting ready to start it again myself. Good luck.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I am in this moment loading my phone with good running music so I can start C25K tomorrow. Isn't everything about pace? You don't have to RUN for a minute, take it slow. I intend to jog - not run. Just to build stamina and when I can manage to jog comfortably for a long period of time I will up my pace. if you still find it hard then walk fast when you are supposed to jog/run. There is always a solution :) Good luck!
  • harvick29fan
    harvick29fan Posts: 28 Member
    I just finished week 4. I will tell you, the first day of week one, I literally thought I was going to keel right over and I didn't make it through the runs. Each time it got a little easier. I just made it through day 3 of week 4, and I was able to run all the runs. I'm amazed at the progress I've been able to make, because I was honestly ready to give up after the first day. I'm not setting any speed records, but I'm taking "baby steps". Don't get discouraged. :smile:

    I also downloaded the NIH C25K podcast from Itunes onto my Ipod, which really helps too.
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I just finished week 2 today. I agree with the pp...I think I would just try again, and try again rather than changing the pattern of walks and runs. Just try and do what you can, and if you need to walk, then walk...but only move onto week two once you have done three clear goes of week one.

    This is my second go at doing the programme....the first time I got to around week 5 and I gave up. I think it's a much better idea just to allow yourself to repeat weeks as many times as you need to rather than giving up like I did. This time, if I'm struggling.....I'm repeating.

    Also...as deannar417 said, you will get stronger and quite quickly too.
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    I agree with sooh2011, the first run is a killer I think a 70 year old granny could have walked faster than my jog.... Just pace yourself its not a race and you may have to repeat but its woth it..... I'm on W3 now and cant belive I can run for 3mins
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    duplicate deleted :)
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I'm starting C25K tomorrow and I'm wondering how I will do. I haven't done any running or jogging since junior high probably! I think everyone has good advice though. Just go at your own pace and do the best you can. That's what I plan to do!

    There is a thread for a group of us who are starting tomorrow. Here it is in case you want the added support.

  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi - I did week 1 for more than 3 weeks before I got it. Don't give up, because it definitely gets easier. I don't run much faster than I walk, but I figure I can work on the speed later on. I did day 1 of week 4 today, which has 2 lots of 5 minute runs - when I first started I NEVER thought I'd be able to do that. Keep going, I'm sure you'll crack it.

    Look forward to hearing about you running that 5K in August (I'd like to do one in September, but still feeling the fear at the moment).
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    I also started C25K today. I was under the impression I was going to be okay as well because in the last couple weeks I have been walking with jogging intervals around the neighborhood. This was not the case! I made it through only 6 of the jogs with a break in between 5 and 6. I imagine I will be repeating the first week at least once!! Good Luck! :)