Weightless in Water Challenge........With a lot to loose.

Kjarlune Posts: 178
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
This may or may not interest you. Being the size I have been for many years, one of my favorite places is water. Not just because it is my element but because I feel weight less in water. No different than anyone else. Being originally 410 pounds and now 250 I have discovered that water is the best place for me to work out. It does not hurt, it does not strain and I feel like I have really accomplished something.

I would suggest this for anyone with a great deal of weight to loose. The other great thing about water is that if you swim laps you burn a lot of calories. I swim an hour at a time and burn 1118 calories. Way more than walking, and way less pressure on my legs.

So here is my challenge, If you love the water and love to swim, let's create a group where we work together. Talk together and motivate each other. Regardless of what program or eating we choose to do. Just about getting fit, swimming and toning every muscle of our bodies without hurting ourselves.

DO any other exercise you want and share it. If you love to swim join me....let's challenge each other with laps....


  • debsg55
    debsg55 Posts: 2 Member
    I was just thinking about adding swimming to my exercise program. I seem to be hovering around the same weight now for several weeks and need to do something to kick start my losing again. With the warm weather and outdoor pools opening up, I think now would be a great time to get into the water. Thanks for getting me motivated!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Hmm what a coincidence. I wanted to eventually do a triathalon, and I needed to get stronger in the swimming department.
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    I love the water too. Since I have bad knees and nerve problems in my feet I needed something that wouldn't hurt as much but good calorie burn. I just recently added aqua aerobics to my exercise routine two times a week an hour each time. I got my daughter to do it with me. We have a good time and feel so relaxed afterward.
  • farcry66
    farcry66 Posts: 47 Member
    I've been getting up early and swimming 3 mornings a week. Built up to 40 lengths (1K) in 45 mins and am now swimming 50 (1.25K). I could swim for longer but I just can't get up any earlier!!!

    I swim 5 lengths breaststroke, 5 lengths backstroke and 5 lengths freestyle and then repeat as I think this works all the muscles!

    I am living though and makes me feel energised for the rest of the day!
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    Great Idea! I love the water too, for both the reasons that you mentioned. I used to sea-swim a lot and really miss not being able to get to the pool everyday now, but I dive in whenever I can!
    Aqua-aerbics is just fab, a great workout and no impact pressure on your joints! I've also done Aqua-Zumba - now that is amazing, and great fun too!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I actually want to set up aqua zumba in my pool for the neighbors and me....I so think that would be fun....

    I love swimming, in goes the water mp3 and off goes my brain....Back stroke front stroke over and over... I actually have a membership at the pool where I live because my pool is seasonal...and in Alberta that means no guarantees...lol....I also love the local pool because it makes me accountable....

    5 am...holy smokes...I give you credit darlin so could not do that...NICE JOB!...

    so what do we think?? 3 day a week challenge....aqua size or swimming...an hour three times a week??? and we have to try to do things extra...example...I do typically 60 laps a day in an hour so I will try to beat that and do 65 a hour???
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    i currently am in aquatic therapy and i love it plus it burns lots and i feel so great in the water. i have a lot to lose but i cant do much cause of my back. but i do alot in the water i love it. i think i might buy into fitness program they offer after my therapy runs out. then i can use equipment also.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I was just thinking about incorporating swimming into my routine - I normally run, but here in Texas it gets too darn hot in the summer. I've done some water-running before, but this summer I'm going to try swimming. I've never been the greatest swimmer, but I just discovered these things called aqua gloves, or swim gloves, and they made a huge difference - they actually made me want to swim because I was actually getting somewhere :-) They increase the resistance so you get a better upper body workout, too.
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    i need to grab some of those.. I use paddles and they work too....
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    count me in toooo..

    But when I'm swimming at the gym....I dont do laps,,,
    I take an interval aquazsie class and on fridays I strated taking a Bootcamp aquasize class
    both are pretty intense and alot of fun...

    sooo I;m not sure if I fit the criteria to join because I dont do laps...... But let me know :)

    Good luck

    swimming is fun :)
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    i need to grab some of those.. I use paddles and they work too....

    I use weights strapped to my ankles and wrists, that makes treading water an exercise in itself!
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