How often do you weigh yourself?



  • betterthanmama
    betterthanmama Posts: 57 Member
    Everyday after I wake up. I know my weight can fluctuate from day to day so i don't stress too much about it. I also have a scale that only has .5kg (1.1lb) increments and it can flip flop if you're somewhere in between so I get more of a general number rather then an exact number. I also use an average of the week and month to keep me from worrying too much. And I avoid the scale during the girly time of the month.
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I weigh myself every week, but it is tempted to do it every day!! I like to weigh myself every two weeks now, though, because there are more results, and I feel like trying harder just so there will be a huge change by the time two weeks goes by. But every week on the same day is good!
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    I started this 2 weeks ago and I haven't weighed myself yet. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing LOL
  • sshap21712
    sshap21712 Posts: 139
    "I weigh in every morning just before my shower. Weighing in each morning allows me to see an accurate picture of my weight over a period of time. I know that each morning I haven't eaten or consumed any liquids in at least 8 hours. That's the only way to have consistency if you weigh in daily. "

    That's pretty much my routine
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    My record day for weighing is Monday. I usually weigh myself on thursdays too just to see how I am doing. Your weight changes so often though, varius things can affect it, it is not good to weigh everyday.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I weigh myself every day, although I really shouldn't as it can often be a frustrating experience. It's a running joke in our house that lost inches matter not lbs lost as this is what I say to the wife and vice versa whenever one of us moans about not losing lbs but it doesn't stop the scale obsession.

    I use the tape measure once a week and (smaller) older clothes once a month, that is far more rewarding than the scales.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Daily.....but this is a PERSONAL choice. Do what works for you, and keep it consistent (same time of day, same clothing or lack thereof, before eating for the day, etc.)
    For me, daily is what keeps ME accountable. You have to do what works for you and not worry about the rest of it or if you are doing it "correctly." :wink:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Every morning after bio. I graph my weight too, along with my deficit.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It really depends on what works for you. A lot of people will state their opinion as fact, but what works for one person might not work for another. I weigh daily b/c it's a daily reminder to stick with it. Plus, I want to know what my normal fluctuations are. And you will fluctuate a lot day to day. Some suggest weekly so you don't get discouraged by those daily fluctuations. Some weigh monthly so the success is more pronounced. None of these methods are wrong.

    I also only weigh first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, and fully naked. Others like to weigh at night so they know their highest weight. You have to find what works for you and won't discourage your progress.