dont you hate it when...

someone compliments you on your looks and tell you your looking more prettier or whatever now that your losing weight or lost some weight? it only bugs me for a while before i brush it off and get on with my day. but i hate those kinda "compliments". its like well what was i before? i know i wasnt ugly physically/personality wise so what was i before??? im the person that is rock what you got whether your 300 lbs or 100 lbs. accept what you have and rock it. if you feel your gonna feel your best health wise or whatever your reason with some weight on/off then go for it. if the change will make you happer/healther in the end, then go for it!! anyways im starting to ramble, but yeah, why do ppl associate weight loss as getting better looking???? sry i just get pissed about it.


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I think people dont think before they speak sometimes. I know exactly what you are getting at, and I feel the same way. But I am sure people are just being nice and really do think you look great, so they are paying compliments. I would just smile and say thanks! If you want to throw them a curve you can always say "Thanks, but did I look that bad before?" Then they wont know what to say to that, and they might think before speaking next time LOL! But then again, you dont want someone to say "Boy you were fat before, you look great now", I would just take it as the compliment that it is...
  • ohmissemily
    ohmissemily Posts: 73 Member
    oh this hasnt just started happening when i was 14 and was doing extreme dieting. and even till now when i drop 10 lbs or whatever. it just bugs. and yeah i do say thank you smile and go about my day. i just take the compliment both ways. which is not good, but idk how else to take it. especially when my mother tells me you better not quit i just stop telling her if i lost weight or not.