Help needed?!

nat107 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey there everyone Im new and so far things are going really well after finding this website and starting the 30 day shred.
I work full time but in a sitting down sort of job. So I put that in when they calculated my calorie stuff.

However I also own my own t-shirt printing business. Which means that sometimes I come home from work and spend four hours on my feet walking from room to room printing and heat pressing etc. And weekends can sometimes be 8 to 10 hours of this a day .So basically what Im wanting to know is if you think this is worth taking into consideration with my calorie intake (the eat the calories you use back thing) and if so how many should I presume it's using. I dont want to hinder my progress it's the first time Ive succeeded properly with willpoer in giving this a go especially giving up diet coke and chocolate. lol

I put in fishing and standing fishing burns a lot of calories over the hours? So I don't know if that would be the same sort of thing?
Can anyone give me a little advice?Thanks! :D Natalie x


  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Yhe best thing to do would be to buy a heart rate monitor and measure how many calories you burn, that way you know the calories that you are adding are accurate x
  • nat107
    nat107 Posts: 5 Member
    I never even thought of that :) Thanks! Will have to look into getting one!!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    It's the best advice i can give, too.. for now i'd suggest using the "standing fishing" or for example playing a music instrument standing. I bought a HRM for only 30 bucks and it works great, i hear the polar's are very popular, although mine is cresta.
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