SAHM 5/9-5/15



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Shopppie~Love your haircut! Reminds me of mine. I uploaded a photo of my new haircut. The hubby was saying some stuff to me hence the cheesy smile. However it was the best looking one of the bunch.

    Stacey~Way to go on the pound. I didn't get in formal exercise but I jogged at work and did some squats. I am planning on getting a workout in tomorrow morning.

    Wildcat~I am excited for you. Is this your first time buying a house?

    So I have decided to try zig zagging my calories. On the none exercise front I went to the grocery store today with my MIL and the guy in the deli was hitting on me. It was quite funny and it was also a self esteem boost. Told the hubby about it and his response to me was "well that haircut has really transformed you I told you that you were HOT." :blushing: Now if I could just get rid or the zits it would be great. Guess I need to get back to more than just working out, washing my face twice a day. Well got to head out the kids are not listening. They are suppose to be going to bed and they are not. Will check in later.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Stacey-Congrats on getting your ticker to move again! It looks like things are working for you. Hopefully you get to work out these next few days. Even if you can't running around after children helps!

    Wildcat-Sorry to hear about the UTI, those are miserable. Yeah for finding a house though! I hope the sellers agree to fix the problems. It's in their best interest to do so because it will be a problem for anyone interested plus it will cause more problems if left unattended.

    Katie-The haircut is cute on you! You must be feeling a little sassy with it to get the deli guy flirting with you! HAHA It is nice to have someone (besides hubby) find you attractive, it's a boost to the rest of the day.

    My Grandmother is doing better, they have her on different pain meds and that has made a big difference. I will be calling to find out what the oncologist has said later today. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers on her behalf. Now it's time to find some time and extra (ha) money to see her this summer while that's still possible.

    In other news I have unofficially hit the 120's! 129.8 this morning!! I won't log it until I see it again. It's been 7 years since I saw 120's last. On that front, I have 7 more EVO classes then I'm done with the early morning workouts. YEAH! The class itself has been fun but 6 a.m. is too early for me. I will be going in somewhat early a few days a week to workout with my husband-he needs motivation, before he goes to work.

    Speaking of exercise I need to go get ready for the gym and get my little girls dressed. Cardio and abs today, I think we are doing legs in EVO tomorrow.

    Have a great day!
  • IceLighting
    IceLighting Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm new :)

    I am 29 and a SAHM.
    My babies are 2 and half and 6 months old.

    My weight journey is actually messy....

    From early days i was a bundle of energy. I would run everywhere!
    Amaziningly as a teen i would run for trains or just walk where i was going, didn't see the point in getting lifts.
    Not sure what my weight was but i was a uk 8 /10.

    In the year 1999 i fell from a 12 foot wall and shattered 3 vertabra in my spine.
    Things went a little down hill from there...
    Although the damage repaired i wasn't able to put much pressure on my back for a while so i learnt to drive.
    Quite frankly i think that made me lazy!

    In 2006 i got married to a Rugby player (just local) but he eats so much and i found my self matching his food even though i am not running on a pitch!
    2008 I had my first Daughter. I put on a good 3 stone, Number of reasons. Main one bordom in a hospital bed!
    2010 My second Daughter, Kept the weight the same.

    The profile picture i have choosen is the photo that help me realise just how big i really was! (Taken in Feb)
    The motivation i have been given to do it has come from my oldest Daughter (2 and a half).
    It was her that asked me why Mummy wouldn't come and jump on the trampoline with her. Trying to explain to her that mummy was just too heavy to be on it at the same time broke my heart.

    The life i am leading is not the one i want. It may have started due to an accident but it's carried on by my shear lazyness!

    I would love to be part of your group as i need support :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Angie-Thank you for the anniversary wishes. Early Congrats to you and your hubby!

    KatieM-Love the hair do!! Thank you for the anniversary wishes too! I know, I still can’t believe we’ve been together for 8 and then the anni. Is 5. Sorry to hear about you and your hubby’s weight gained, but will all the support you guys get here, it’ll come off in no time! You’ll have to tell me how that zig zagging does and the results, I’ve never heard of it, but after looking it up, it sounds interesting.

    Shoppie-Love your new do, too!! Looking great in your boasting thread, great job and keep up the great work! Glad to hear the surgery went well!

    Stacey-Congrats on your loss!

    Holly-Glad to hear your grandmother is doing better!

    Welcome, IceLighting! This is a great group for all motivation. Feel free to add to me as a friend and check out my success story.

    Okay, so yesterday, I didn’t realize how much stress I was holding in until I went on my bike ride after I got done with my running around and paying bills. I had about 2 hours before my daughter got home from school and before I picked up my lil man from daycare. At first I was gonna get on the exercise bike , but it was nice out and I was kid free, so I decided (since I don’t have a bike trailer for the lil one to ride in) I would go on my own bike ride. By the time, I got my Pandora radio on my android phone and I started riding, I realized when I got home, I had gone 6.6 miles. So, I came home, took a cold shower, and got dressed and got back outside and my daughter’s bus was here. Then we went to the park, she played for about 30-45 mins, then we went walking and walked 1.5 miles, so yesterday, I had gone 8.1 miles of exercising in! Wow! I was pooped when I got home. I didn’t mention the other good part, on the way home, we picked up Subway. I tried that sweet onion chicken teriyaki (it was featured on BL Tuesday night) and OMG! I feel in love with a new sandwich! It was so yummy! I ended up getting another today while I went out and walked another 1.5 miles with my mom at the park today. Hopefully, will have a good WI on Saturday.

    Have a great day everyone, might be back later to check in!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Icelightning - really sorry to hear about your accident. I can def empathise with your reasons for wanting to shift weight, I think a lot of us want to lose in order to be able to propery keep up with our kids, which is no bad reason!!

    Barb - definitely a great way to shift that stress in exercise rather than eating, well done! :drinker:

    Holly - hooray for the 120s, amazing! How tall are you btw? I'm 5'9 but you weigh a rather shocking 50 lb less than me now :-\ Really glad to hear your grandmother is a bit more comfortable.

    Katie - you look lovly with your new 'do' Very young too! What does zig zagging cals mean?

    Thanks for all the compliments on my new hair, I am feeling ok about myself for the first time in a long while - always feel a big blob when pregnant and guess I am finally leaving that newborn fug now DD has hit 3 months old.

    Day 3 of being properly back at eating well and I have to say I am still really struggling with my appetite, but hopefully from experience that will start to improve soon. I don't really have any news, same old here really!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yep, katie, another thumbs up for the haircut! that's the length i'm aiming for. right now i'm at a bob just below my ears.

    welcome icelightning!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Shoppie-I am only 5'4 so carrying extra weight for me is really obvious. I am starting to wonder if 125 will be low enough or if I need to lose more..we'll see it's still another 4 lbs. away. Good for you getting back to proper eating, it does seem to take several days for your body readjust.

    Icelightning-Welcome! This is a wonderful group of supportive women. We are here to help in what ever way is needed.

    Barb-Good job working off the stress instead of eating! That's why I exercise almost everyday, it's 1 1/2 hours of time just for me while the little girls are in the playroom. My body feels better, and looks better. My mind gets a much needed reprieve and I can just zone out and focus on what I'm doing.

    Not much going on here today. It's chilly and rainy so nothing outside. I already did my EVO class this morning (2 weeks left). I need to clean up and start laundry and probably clean out the fridge. There aren't many groceries in there right now so it would be a good time to take everything out and wipe down the shelves. It's amazing how messy they get.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Thank you for all the compliments!

    Holly~Way to go on unofficial hitting the 120's. I can't wait until that is me. Shoot at this point I can't wait to be in the low 140's (healthy range for me). I am just lurking right out of them. :laugh: It is amazing how dirty they get in such a short time. Happy cleaning. I should be doing the same thing but my boys need my attention today. So plan on sitting down with them and playing/art stuff.

    Icelighting~Welcome to the group. Chime in whenever you want.

    Barb~Way to go on that many miles. Don't you just LOVE those high calorie burn days?!

    Shoppie~Zig zagging is when you eat maybe 1400 calories one day then like a 1600 calorie day and then close to maintenance. So you are never eating the same amount every day it is varying by a couple hundred. It keeps your body guessing what you are doing and so therefore your metabolism is not suppose to drop. You can go to and put in your stats and it will calculate it for you.

    Stacey~Just wanted to let you know that I didn't do an official workout but I figured cleaning 3 extra hours (body is so not used to that) would count for something.

    Well got to get the boys are going crazy they need some attention. Will check in later.
  • smartmama4
    smartmama4 Posts: 30
    I am a SAHM too. I have been on a roller coaster with my weight ever since I was about 18. I have never been really thin... I was a size 10 in high school. I have 4 kids and after everyone of them, I would lose alittle of the weight and then get pregnant and gain more. It never really has bothered me until the last few years. I've been on weight watchers several times. Will lose weight and then gain it back when I stopped going to WW.
    This year has been a rough one for me.... In January I had to have my gallbladder removed, was in the hospital for a week when they decided to take my appendix. I was very sick for almost 2 months. The good side was I went from 192 to 173! Then I got the flu and lost more weight and was down to 165! My actual weight finally matched my driver's license! (I haven't changed it since I was 16) lol
    Now I am back up to 178 and I don't want anymore to come back! So it's time for a lifestyle change! I love that MFP tracks the calories for you! I am NOT good at doing that....
    The support is great too! I find that I am a bored eater.... But now when I get bored, I have the computer and friends to come "talk" to! :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'm back I'm back! LOL I've been getting back into the swing of things, and I now have some time to catch up a bit.

    As of this morning only 1.5lbs up from when I left, hoping that will be gone by next week's weigh-in! It was all worth it to spend Easter, Mother's Day, and be in my friends wedding. When I get some pictures I'll be sure to post them :)

    Katie ~ Love the new hair cut!!

    Barb ~ Happy belated anniversary! And zig-zagging helped me break through the 140 plateau!! I loved it :) I can resume the post if you need to take a break :)

    Angie ~ Thanks for the run this morning, looking forward to the start of our half marathon training!!

    Shoppie ~ Love your new profile picture!!

    Welcome to the new girls!

    Need to do the dishes and start some laundry, and hopefully get my push-up challenge done. My arms are so sore from mowing yesterday though...not sure if I can do it!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey, all! I'm way behind, but I just want to say 'hi' to everyone. I lost 5 lbs last week. Whoo Hooo!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girlsi! finally got the workout in!! i walked/ran for an hour--only 17 minutes was straight running. i guess not working out for a 10days really has an impact. :(
    in any case, my eating has been pretty good all week and my dh even said i looked "skinny" the other morning. that was a boost!

    katie--welcome back! from your mini posts it sounds like you had a great vacation--busy but special. :) and 1.5# is no biggie for you!

    on tap for the rest of the weekend--laundry, bill paying and organizing piles of paper, ballet class for dd2, and tomorrow a bday party for ds. the pool is open so we may go there today/tomorrow. also hoping to hang some more pictures in the house. that's really the only major thing left of moving in. :)

    hope you all have a GREAT saturday and sunday!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks, Ladies!! It was def. nice to get out and exercise instead of stress eating.:love:

    Katie-WB! Sounds like you had a busy, but great time. Go for it, you can resume next week's thread, not a problem at all. I was happy to fill in for you! :smile:

    Sorry so short, getting late (I went to bed last night at 11:45pm and the lil guy had us up at 5 am this morning, ugh! I'm pooped! Have a good night will check in tomorrow. G'night all! :flowerforyou:
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    How do I join? I am a SAHM of 6. Please let me know how to join. Thanks!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Just start posting! We start a new thread every week, so just click on the link:

    Look forward to getting to know you!