Triathlon Strength Training

I just started training for my first Triathlon. I am a beginner in all three sports, but I think I can do this. Anyways, I was just wondering if I should add strength training to my routine & what exercises would you recommend?


  • philiphirons
    philiphirons Posts: 34 Member
    I only do running, but all I had done is some leg work and really focus mainly on the endurance/cardio
  • fumblerdog
    fumblerdog Posts: 63
    Congratulations! You'll be addicted in no time. :-)

    During my first tri season, I added strength training to my routine, and I noticed a HUGE difference in my body. However, especially if you are a beginner, I would recommend working with a professional - for instance, I asked at my gym for a trainer who had some triathlon background, and it made all the difference because he knew from experience which muscle groups would help me get results. There are coaches/personal trainers all over the place who are USAT-certified - maybe their website has a listing for your area?

    Good luck!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I did my first one last year and I really just focused on the three sports with the majority of my time in the pool because it really works your full body.

    I did a training class for my first tri and we did swimming everyday with alternating days of bikes and run. I would say that if you want to add in strength training on top of doing the other stuff regularly I would work on both legs and upper body. If you are not a swimmer you will quickly realize how much shoulder strength this can take.
  • rocklion
    rocklion Posts: 69 Member
    Should you add strength training?


    What should you concentrate on?

    Your whole body. The fact is you can just concentrate on the legs, but that doesn't help in the swim which also requires some upper body and back strength. And the fact is, I'm a big believer that you need to target your whole body and not just different groups.

    My suggestion is go to this Web site: They have a variety of beginning workout programs along with videos of proper training techniques. I also suggest working out with free weights, not machines. There's an old wives tale that free weights will bulk you up. Not true. It all depends on the weight you are lifting, reps, etc. But free weights target compound muscle groups at once opposed to machines that target specific groups. You just get a better workout with free weights. More bang for the buck.

    Women generally have a hard time mentally going to free weights because you see the huge muscle guys lifting and don't want to be them, but for things like bike riding and running you definitely want to incorporate squats and calf raises and for the swimming part incorporate bench press and barbell rows.

    The four strength training exercises I just mentioned are also the very base weight lifting programs.
  • waterbabeAD
    waterbabeAD Posts: 73
    Welcome to the addictive world of triathlon. I stenght training 2x per week for 45 mins before a mid-intensity cardio session. So I recommend you do strength training - although it course depends entirely on your body shape/frame/level of overall fitness etc.

    I agree you should seek the advice of a fitness professional, but basically your legs do most of the work in tri, so anything that strenghtens those muscle groups. Plus upper body for swimming. Also you should pay attention to back strengthening too - especially if you are ample chested... or dont have too much running experience.

    Good luck!
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    Is there a group here on mfp for triathletes. I could use all the support I could get :-)
  • waterbabeAD
    waterbabeAD Posts: 73
    Is there a group here on mfp for triathletes. I could use all the support I could get :-)

    I am fairly new to the site - not found a triathlon group. There are however separate groups for running/swimming/cycling though. Maybe we shoudl start one for triathlon? there are quite a few triathletes on the site I am seeing. Meantime I'll send you a friend request and will help in any way I can. I only took up sprint triathlons 4 months ago and already planning to move up to Olympic distances.

    The funny thing is that I heard about MFP site through a triathlon forum...