May 9th! 30 Day Shred starts today!! Woo Hoo!!



  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    Did day 1 yesterday. I don't have weights so instead of doing anything that involved weight lifting, I did extra ab work (my main problem area!). I want to see if I can pick up some weights tonight. But I will be doing day 2 today! :)
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Getting ready to do the video...... My calf muscles really, really HURT!!! I hope I can get
    through this without too much pain!!! I had NO idea that jumping jacks could be so
    darn painful!!! I've been exercising for 10 weeks, and this is the first time I've felt
    this sore, so it must work!! But still..... OUCH!!! :laugh: :tongue:
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    My plan over the weekend has been to refocus, redirect, and restart my journey to a healthier self! I had done the 30 DS earlier this year, got to about day 23, then got "distracted" with family stuff - NO EXCUSE, just an explanation! Anyway, I couldn't WAIT to get started again, and when I saw this post I KNEW I would join in and get it going with Jillian!

    Well, yesterday I got home from work, and my son presented me with a late birthday gift - Zumba Fitness for the Wii!!!!! Well, I just HAD to do that... toooooo!!!!

    I'm a super fatty, super weakling, 5'3" (almost anyway!) and 200 lbs. I can follow dance moves pretty well, but decided to start with the tutorials first. I got throug ALL of the varitions in the Calypso style - I took my time in practicing each one, especially when I hit the "sped up, real time" portion - it took me about 20 minutes, and when I was done I was dripping wet, I was a bit worn, but man I had a blast!

    After that I did Day 1 Level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I was surpised to find I kept up much better than I did the "very first time" I did this workout, and it felt so good to be working out again! I plan to be back at it tonight and every night - 20 minutes of Zumba Wii, foilowed by 30 DS.... look for my weight loss, coming soon!!!


  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Awesome! Great job!! I struggled today, but I got through the video and will have
    at it again tomorrow!!
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    ive just done day 3 and althou im aching i think its getting easier the more i do it!

    even managed 20 minutes zumba on the wii straight after
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Getting ready for my 25 minutes of Hell!!!! :laugh: I just hope I don't get dizzy again today when
    it's over, that scared me sooooo bad!!! Ugh!!! My calves are still killing me, so that makes it a
    little harder. Who would have thought doing jumping jacks and jumping in place would be so
    friggin HARD!!! I feel like such a baby!!! haha...... Good luck, keep checking in, and we CAN
    do this together!!
    Hugs!!! :smile:
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    day 4 done!

    and its defo getting easier and i even managed to do some of the jumping jacks today and not substitute them for butt kicks lol
  • 65kar52
    65kar52 Posts: 23
    Did day 1 yesterday. I don't have weights so instead of doing anything that involved weight lifting, I did extra ab work (my main problem area!). I want to see if I can pick up some weights tonight. But I will be doing day 2 today! :)

    just use bottles of water.

    Going to join ye, today will be my Day 1 so I'm tagging behind a bit.
    Will weigh / measure tonight and post later
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Last night was Day 3 Level 1 for me - it's funny how much I hated push-ups before, and now I love the challenge of seeing how many "real" push-ups I can do... I'm up to 3 and my arms are VERY SHAKY... but that's THREE MORE than I used to be able to do! After 3 I have to change to "women's style"... but today I'll go for 4 or maybe even 5!

    Woot woot!


  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Did day 4 today, and went for a 54 minute walk tonight too. I'm sooooooo tired!!! The video
    really isn't getting easier for me yet though..... still makes me super tired!! Sigh.....
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    day 5 just done and i am finding it a lot easier than day one!

    finding now though that my shins are really hurting!
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Today was harder for me for some reason...... I was hoping I'd build a better endurance
    by now!!! :ohwell:
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    day 6 done!

    found it harder this morning as with it being saturday i had 2 kids under my feet wanting to join in and i was scared i was gonna smack them with a dumbbell lol.

    avoided injuries though and done it all!
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    day 7 complete

    felt harder today as my shins really hurt! think i may have to modify the jumping jacks to butt kicks to avoid injuring my shins further as the jumping jacks really hurt my shins!

    3 days till level 2 and im scared lol
  • sm0113
    sm0113 Posts: 89 Member
    I finished day 8 today!
    is everyone doing 10 days of each level? I was thinking about starting level 2 tomorrow, but i'm not sure if i should keep going with level 1 for 2 more days...
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    I'm starting Level 2 today!!! I'm scared but ready for a change!!! We did my measurements last night,
    and during the first 10 days I've lost inches everywhere BUT my stomach, which is where I really need
    to lose it!! Figures!! :frown:
    Oh well, I can't give up!!! On to level 2!!! :wink: