Poor cat can't keep his food down



  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Have you tried wet food?
    Science Diet is actually not a good food :(
    Or try some homemade cat food?

    Science Diet is fine. Maybe not the absolute best, but it certainly will not cause this.


    Cats are obligate carnivores and have extremely specific nutritional needs. Any vitamin deficiency is extremely harmful. Only do this if you want your cat to go blind. I'm not kidding. Google "feline taurine deficiency".

    Do not seek medical advice for your pet on the internet. 99 percent of the time, people give harmful advice.

    Your cat could have any number of causes for vomiting. Just about every health problem includes vomiting. You say your cat likes to eat plastic, it could be a foriegn body making this a life threatening condition and you need to get your cat seen now. It could be inflammatory Bowel Disorder. It could be Pancreatitis. It could be a Panceatic Insufficiency. It could beMegaesophagus. It could be renal failure.the only person who can tell you is your vet, and that's only after running diagnostics.

    There are no home remedies for a non-specific problem. Do not under any circumstances give your cat any human meds. This can kill your cat. No pepto. That has aspirin in it. See if you can get to your vet sooner.

    And yes, I do know what I'm talking about. I'm an ER vet tech and have been for many years.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Do not give your cat milk. Cats are lactose intolerant. This will make the problem worse. See what I mean about people giving harmful advice over the internet?

    Just so you know, cats who go 48 hours without eating go into liver failure, a condition known as hepatic lipidosis. Check your cats gums. Are they yellowish? Time for an ER trip.

    Seriously, get to the vet sooner. The sooner you go, the cheaper it will be..
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Do not give your cat milk. Cats are lactose intolerant. This will make the problem worse. See what I mean about people giving harmful advice over the internet?

    Just so you know, cats who go 48 hours without eating go into liver failure, a condition known as hepatic lipidosis. Check your cats gums. Are they yellowish? Time for an ER trip.

    Seriously, get to the vet sooner. The sooner you go, the cheaper it will be..
    My cat drinks milk daily and sometimes several times a day. She doesn't get much but she's never ever had a problem with it. It could be that I use 2% or skim milk so there is less lactose, but she was also a wild cat when we got her (although I believe she was someone's pet who was left behind) so she's probably got a tougher digestive system from fending for herself.

    I agree with never giving your pets (or your kids for that matter) medications that are not specifically for them for a specific condition. You just never know and you could compound the problem if not kill them outright.

    I hope your cat gets better soon and that it's not something terminal or too costly/serious to correct.
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Happy to report that Fraiser is doing 100% better. I got him some kitty grass from the pet store (he almost never gets any because he is an indoor kitty). He immediately began to eat it and he felt better the very next day. I'm growing some fresh grass just for him. Also got him a fresh bag of food -a smaller bag so it doesn't have time to stale. He has not lost any weight and he is very playful. Oh, I also seperated his bowl from Purrls bowl so they each have their own water and food.

    The Dr. didn't want to update his shots until he is feeling better. He is doing well without any RX's. So, we will go back to the Dr. in a couple week to update his shots.

    Thanks for all the advice! :-)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Glad to hear he is doing well :)
  • ridiculyss
    ridiculyss Posts: 108 Member
    Oh good!! I'm glad he's doing better now! My kitty wasn't quite so lucky. :( had a really bizarre disease.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Oh good!! I'm glad he's doing better now! My kitty wasn't quite so lucky. :( had a really bizarre disease.

    neither was mine, lost him while I was away this weekend :(