My first NSV....

I ordered a pizza from my FAVORITE pizza place on Saturday, figured the calories, and ate what I could allow in my day....stil being under goal. I then THREW AWAY THE REMAINING PIZZA...because I know I would eat it and I did not want to have those calories haunting me. I can't say I ever threw away good pizza! :happy:


  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    WooHoo!!! That is quite an accomplishment! I can't say I'd be able to do the same - I would likely just keep the rest of the pizza and have a slice every day or two as long as it fit into my daily calories. What you did takes a ton of willpower - WTG!
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    That is a great accomplishment...Pizza is my huge weakness and I told my DH that when he makes it, I have to literally leave the house so I don't eat it..Well, damn, I ate some this weekend (and not just one piece)...Not good, but it did not make me upset or down on myself....I eat it much less now.........
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Good Job!!! I've frozen pizza before in an effort to save it for later. Fortunately, it doesn't freeze well and I threw it out (6 months later!!).
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    That was a HUGE NSV lol. Congrats!
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Great job! We had a nutritionist come to work a couple of weeks ago and she said that her motto is "It's better to WASTE it than to WAIST it." Sounds awesome to me! Keep it up and you'll reach your goals. :)
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I think that is awesome! I recently planned for Pizza in my day and luckily had people sharing it with me so there was no temptation to go over. It still tastes as good as I remembered :smooched:
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Nice! Pizza is still a tough one for me, so I'm truly jealous of your willpower.
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I have a HUGE weakness for pizza (....and ice cream, and brownies, and cheese, and.....well, that's why I'm here). Now, I make it from scratch. I use turkey pepperoni, chicken sausage, lots of veggies, very little low-fat mozzarella, homemade sauce and dough. It is delicious and so much more healthy than what you find in a restaurant. My sweetie actually claims that he likes it better and requests it whenever we have a pizza craving! Mmmmm....guilt free pizza!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Great, great, great job!!! How great is it that you can still have your favorite stuff yet have the willpower to throw what you don't need away!?!?! Awesome accomplishment! :flowerforyou:
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Great nsv!!
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