


  • jmorgan65
    jmorgan65 Posts: 1
    I also had to have sugar and half and half in my coffee every morning. My advice to you would be to go without the sugar and the cream and you will in no time love the taste of black coffee. My husband was drinking his coffee with the fancy cofeemate creamers and he was just getting fatter every day. I suggested he get off them (now he has great willpower mind you) and he did and now loves his coffee black. Try it black for at least seven or eight days before you go back to cream and sugar. You will get to love your coffee just black I can just about bet on it!!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    have you tried cinnimon i found its pretty tasty in coffee
  • plagirl227
    plagirl227 Posts: 134
    If it's about the calories, I say cut those few from somewhere else and use enough sugar to make the taste tolerable. I HATE all artificial sweeteners and I have to have my coffee sweet....
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Just drop the sugar/sweetener completely! A good coffee tastes AWESOME without it!
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    My husband keeps telling me to wean off and go to black.. I just dont know.. This is from someone who uses splenda and creamer as much as I use sugar and half and half.. haha
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I use Truvia to sweeten my coffee and tea. One packet in my coffee and half a packet in certain teas.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I use half & sugar at all
  • jocelynrinear
    Have you ever tried the Land o Lakes fat free whipped cream? I use that with flavored vanilla coffee and it is good! I use that instead of the creamers and sugar. It is so good and it looks really pretty.
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    If it's about the calories, I say cut those few from somewhere else and use enough sugar to make the taste tolerable. I HATE all artificial sweeteners and I have to have my coffee sweet....

    I agree!! I can't give up my coffee with REAL sugar. I tried. really tried....isn't going to happen for me!
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    I'm a total coffee snob. If you get freshly roasted beans (within 2 weeks), and grind just enough for what you need just before making it, avoid using a drip machine (use an Aero press, french press, real espresso machine or Melitta pour over), you really shouldn't ever need to sweeten your coffee.
    People usually put sugar in their coffee because it's too bitter from over roasting, being too old or leaving it on a hot plate. Yuck! Avoid dark roasted oily coffee like Starbucks...over roasting leaves a bitter burned taste in your mouth. Coffee should be smooth and never bite!
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member

    I also drink a mild coffee because its more about the smell, sipping a warm mug and taste than caffine.

    Just sharing because I like to throw out my little 'I learned while I was a Barrista' facts; the darker the roast, the less caffeine in the coffee. The caffeine is released through the roasting process, so the more mild coffees (like breakfast blends) actually have more caffeine than the darker ones (like Italian roast). Just a little piece of knowledge :)
  • jadebugs
    jadebugs Posts: 52 Member
    yep they are great and i don't have to add ANY sugar.So for something like 35 cal, i can enjoy!!!!
  • ecahill91
    ecahill91 Posts: 69
    Purevia is pretty good. Tastes a lot like sugar does in coffee. I am an Equal fan, however :/
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    I used sweetened vanilla almond milk in my coffee.
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    I would work at weaning yourself off the sweetner - or slowly down to a lesser level. Nothing wrong with the real thing, just try to work towards less of it.

    Also, look at the quality of coffee you're brewing. That may assist you in the amount of sugar you're using.

    A good, smooth cup of coffee should have excellent flavor sans creamer or sweetner. I like cream in my coffee (no sugar), but I've found with a good cup, even fat free milk is fine, because the fat isn't really needed to give the cup body or to cut the acidity. Yes, I had to work my way down to FF milk, but I discovered it really does work better when it's a good cup of coffee. FF milk does little to mask the flavor compared to half and half.

    That said, I usually drink lungo shots from a Nespresso machine (unless I'm making a cappuchino), so it's more like a very mild espresso shot with a good crema. I prefer them with milk, but they're smooth enough without it as well (if there's none around.)
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    I'm a total coffee snob. If you get freshly roasted beans (within 2 weeks), and grind just enough for what you need just before making it, avoid using a drip machine (use an Aero press, french press, real espresso machine or Melitta pour over), you really shouldn't ever need to sweeten your coffee.
    People usually put sugar in their coffee because it's too bitter from over roasting, being too old or leaving it on a hot plate. Yuck! Avoid dark roasted oily coffee like Starbucks...over roasting leaves a bitter burned taste in your mouth. Coffee should be smooth and never bite!

    Totally agree with this. Coffee toys for the win! My latest toyage is a french press that's double filtered. Nice and smooth. Never seen one before so I had to get it.

    Once you start realizing how good coffee can really be it's hard to go back to the yucky stuff. :)
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    I also don't really like the taste of stevia, but I use it religiously. I put it in spicey teas and for coffee I add cinnamon. it really hides the bitter taste. And purvia and truvia both use alchaol sweetners as well and are sold by pepsico and coca cola respectively. Try sweet leaf, or stevia in the raw or pure via instead. milk and cream also add a crazy amount of calories, try vanilla almond milk instead only 90 cals per cup!