Former Weight Watcher

hhenehan Posts: 4
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! My name is Heather, I'm 27 years old, and I am hoping that MFP will be just what I need to switch up my routine and get me back on track. I re-joined Weight Watchers in September of last year, finally ready to get rid of my "baby weight" (my son is I lost 20 pounds by December and since then have been playing yo-yo with the same 10 pounds. Although I've managed to keep off the first 20 pounds, I am ready to get rid of the next 30-40. I am in a serious relationship and I definitely don't want to be doing a crash diet if he decides to pop the question soon. I love sweets and I hate to exercise, so it's going to be a bumpy ride. But I know I can do it!


  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    WELCOME...I am a former "exercise hater"...but now LOVE is possible (and before you say you are different...know you are not)!!!!!!
  • codexavellum
    codexavellum Posts: 112
    You need to give exercise a chance, the more you do, the more you like it
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    Hate to tell you this, but at some point you'll have to exercise or you'll still be soft & squishy. Not to mention that when you tone up, it's easier to maintain your weight loss.
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    Welcome! I think you will really like it here and it is FREE! You can friend me if you like. :smile:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was an exercise hater too. Now, I really enjoy going to the gym -- helps relieve stress and makes me feel fabulous afterward (weight loss helps too.. lol). Give it a chance.
  • ShinyFraga
    ShinyFraga Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome! I hate to exercise too, but since joining MFP I'm finding I WANT to jog for 5 minutes here, and go for a 15 minute walk there. It's amazing the little things that inspire us to get up and get moving. For me it's being able to log the activity and SEE with my own eyes that I actually burned some calories. :smile: Good luck!
  • williamsbk
    williamsbk Posts: 5
    My opinions, they may or may not work for you. Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% cardio/strength training. I didn't want to increase my activity at first, but after 15 pounds I wanted to go out and run because I could. "Working out" and exercise without a goal will not give you results. Go to the bookstore of your choice, find "The 4-Hour Body" by Timothy Ferriss read read pages 70 to 78 and follow it. (The book is huge and covers many topics and is worth the purchase.) When entering food into MFP be truthful and honest. If you go over, that is okay. If you go over for a week, that is okay. But always log.
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome!!! you will love it here! I agree with everyone to give exercise a chance! you will love it once you find something that excites you...Me i got into salsa and ballroom dance and getting back to the gym . i feel better and look better and have been getting compliments. This will change your life
  • WorkingMomGetsFit
    WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
    I too am a former WW member. I was able to lose my pregnancy weight after both pregnancies thanks to WW. I like that this program is free and I love the support on here! I often found myself not wanting/too tired to exercise but it is a matter of finding something that you enjoy. Once you get started, you start to feel so much better and you begin to actualy look forward to it. Best of luck to you...welcome!
  • Michelemybelle
    Michelemybelle Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I also joined MFP after doing WW. I was doing the online program and decided to try this site to save some money. I did both for a week and I actually like MFP better. I was also a sweet junky - I had sweets after every meal most days (or as a meal LOL). I haven't had sugar now for almost 10 weeks. It definitely takes a certain mind set. Once I make my mind up to do something, I have a strong will. My husband tells me how strong my will is regularly. :) Good for you for taking this step towards your better health. The one thing I will tell you is that I've had a lot of success eating whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. No sugar except fruit and lots of lean meat and veggies. I also go to the gym and do cardio every day and strength training every other day. It took me a long time to figure out that my metabolism is such that I have to exercise, or I don't lose consistantly. I'm not saying I like it - I still don't really like exercising, but I do like getting on the scale every week and seeing those numbers drop. If you have any questions or need support, I'd be glad to help! Good luck, and welcome to the site! :)
  • rice161
    rice161 Posts: 59
    Good luck and welcome to MFP! I am a former WW member too. Lost a ton of weight (gained a lot back when I didn't know how to handle heartbreak) but didn't know how to STOP. WW doesn't really teach you anything nor do you learn to adjust to real life. MFP has been awesome for me and I hope for you too.

    Exercising was something I almost became addicted to last time around though I didn't enjoy it. I loved the results but did not have fun at the gym. NOW, I've found something I love to do... ZUMBA! I think each of us can find something we like to do without it feeling like exercise. Once you find that, you'll enjoy it enough so you don't think of it as exercise. Keep trying new things but start slowly and inexpensively. I tried riding a bike and while it's good, I don't love it... now I have an expensive bike in my garage. This time I started walking and challenging myself to go further. in one week, I couldn't even get 1 mile done about 4 months ago. Last week I did 11 miles! I hope you find your fun too. Good luck!
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi! I am new here too and I am a former WW too! I lost 20 on WW but every time I lost a little weight Id get pregnant again (5 times) and then regain it all plus 10.. yep, 10 lbs for each kid that wont come off. I love this site so far and I hope it keeps me accountible! Good luck!
  • smvamp
    smvamp Posts: 32
    You can do it Heather. And ppl like the MFP family are here to help and encourage you!! I LOVE swts myself...and happen to HATE exercise. See...we're linked already. lol

    Hang in're going to do GREAT!!

    PS...Sending you a friend request. We can KICK butt on this swts thing...TOGETHER! :angry:
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